2.14. To Bacon Hill

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Stiles and his copy were sitting on opposite sides of the couch, giving each other a blank look, all the while trying to decipher the other one.

"So, Stiles, can I ask something? Or should I call you Thomas?"

"I'm used to Thomas, so that'll do. And sure, go ahead."

"You seem pretty close to that Zaj guy. You guys are practically siblings. Why?"

He sighed, going back to his relaxed body stance as he had expected something else. He fiddled with his hands as he lookes at his copy.

"It's actually really normal when you know what happened. When they kicled me out, Zaj was the person why took me under his wings (see the pun?😉) and learned me everything I needed to know. He's always treated me like family."

"That's a lot better than this Zaj."

"What do you mean with that?"

"Look, Thomas. You know how everyone here is some kind of opposite of you guys, right? Well, that means that the Zaj I know is the opposite of yours. Why I don't like him? I think he's planning world domination with his pack. Might even succeed if he plays his cards right. And Zaj, he's good at card games."

"That doesn't sound like him at all."

"I know. That's just the thing. Our town wasn't always this calm. When Thalia, Deaton, John and Claudia-"

"Wait, is mom alive?"

"Yeah ofcourse she is! Why wouldn't she be?"

"In my world she's dead. Frontotemporal Dementia. No cure."

"There's no cure? Here, we have found the cure to cancer about 15 years ago. But back to business. When the adults here were about our age, someone tried taking over town.
Zaj's grandparents. They failed, but it was a close call. It's been this big rivalry ever since."

"Can't you talk it out? Oh god I'm sounding like Scott."

"What's there to talk about when they refuse to listen? Jacob and his pack lost their feeling of remorse a long time ago. There's no turning back from the state they're in now. We tried, believe me. Our last try was that day you showed up. So about two days ago."

"Oh. Shame though."

"Indeed. But we can't dwell on the people who cannot be saved. That will only make us think we have failed. We should focus on those who we can save. That's the thing. We should move forwards and help those we can help."

"Wise words, other me."

Other him nodded, both of them ignoring the sound of Katherine's body dropping on the ground and Halsey and the female Beta walking past seconds later.

"What are they doing?"

"I think they're looking for Samantha, Thomas. But you know what? I actually think you might have some sort of influence on the Wilder pack. How about you and I go and have a talk with them?"


"I'll just text Thalia to say that we won't come to pack night this evening."

His copy grabbed a black, tattered and old samsung and sended a quick text before pocketing the phone once more, grabbed his arm and dragged Stiles trough the preserve.

As they were walking (his copy still holding his arm with an iron grip), the trees started fading away and got replaced by a deserted alley. They had been teleported to the neigbouring town. Bacon Hill.

The thing was that it looked the complete opposite of what he was used to. Instead of the hassle of people that normally passed by on sunny days like these, there was no one out.

His copy walked out of the alley and Stiles followed immediately, not wanting to get left behind. They walked past abononed houses with broken windows, cars were full of gragitti and a tree in the middle of the road.

"What happened here?"

"Zaj's pack happened. They weren't always the local pack here. They killed the former one. A lot of innocent, unknowing humans got involved too, especially policemen who were investigating the dead bodies from the killed werewolves, searching for the murderer."

He shuddered. Zaj mercilessly killing people was not something he could easily imagine. The closest thing was with the Vampire fiasco when he slashed Greenberg's throat.

A growl was heard from behing them and they saw a girl in her late teens, with a leather jacket, blonde hair. Her claws were out, so she was obviously a were-creature.

"Stilinski. Why are you here? And who is that guy who looks like you?"

"This is Thomas. We mean no harm, all we want to do is talk to Zaj and Jacob."

The girl groaned and slowly walked over, her eyes becoming green as her claws got a faint glow in the same colour. His copy's grip on his arm got tighter and he gave him a look that said 'be prepared'.

Before he could process any thought of his own her claws were in their necks and everything got blurry. He looked at his hands and instead of 10 fingers, he had 12. Stiles didn't even feel the impact of his body smacking against the ground, but the sound of it kept echooing in his head until he let the black that had been threatening to take over his vision take over and finally lost consciousness.

When he opened his eyes he was tied to a chair, and so was his copy. The same girl that had knocked them out with her voodoo claw thingy was there too, leaning against the wall, examining her now human nails which were painted black.

"Ah, you're awake. Jacob and Zaj are coming, but they're not exactly happy. Both of them really dislike unannounced 'visits', you know?"

Just then, the door opened and a tall guy stepped in, followed by Zaj. Wow, he looked different! With many tattoos on his arms and a scowl on his face his Alpha suddenly didn't look that sweet anymore.

The girl had changed her nonchalant stance to a tense one and she scurried out of the room when the tall guy told her too. Tall guy must be Jacob then.

"Now, tell us why you're here."

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