T h i r t y O n e

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  T  H  I  R  T  Y O N E

「  T  H  I  R  T  Y  O  N  E  」

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Leaving behind the chill of the bitter night air Scarlett followed Joker and Harley into the shroud of nightlife behind the heavy metal doors of the infamous night club.

The electricity from the music vibrating in the air began to blind the senses sending them into a tingling sensation causing hair on the back of my neck to stand on edge.

The dark neon red lights reflecting off the deep maroon coloured walls made anyone in the room feel like they'd walked into hell.

The walls of the bar highlighted by the neon hue of bright red lights flickering in my eyes as my eyes glossed over the racks upon racks of alcoholic beverages. But barely any of that was seen through the crowds of bodies crammed together. Skin coated in glistening sweat as exposed bodies danced and grinding upon one another, faces a blur, the heat rising the closer you got towards the crowds. To be in the centre of a crowd was like walking into a burning fire, the flames intoxicating, swallowing you whole.

My senses overwhelmed by everything going on inside the effortlessly small cramping room.

As we made our way around the sides being lead towards a more secluded area, towards a small booth style area, up in the rafters of the industrial styled club. My heeled boots battering down on the industrial painted black stairs daintily  holding the railing for short avoiding the stares that began to be sent our way. My eyes racking over the crowds even tenders trying the best to shove drinks towards me.

"Would you like to try?" A woman with cherry red hair asked sweetly, her long ebony fingers clutching a martini glass delicately with the most pastel coloured blue liquid inside accompanied by the pinkest of sugars lining the rim of the glass. " It's our clubs newest drink."

"No thank you." I excused her before hurrying up the steps behind our escort.

Harley grin radiated in the neon glow of the balcony, her giddy giggles escaping her lips as she bent down to retrieve a glass of the blue liquid within a dainty glass.

Joker excused himself towards a more secluded corner hidden behind a makeshift metal chain wall, a black leather couch splayed out for him.

He stalked towards the couch before being welcomed by a tall looking man dressed in what I could only imagine as an ensemble of brands all pulled together to make him appear more sophisticated. Two large men moved to discourage the view as I repositioned myself beside Harley.

"Baby!" She squealed stretching out her hand towards me. "Isn't this amazing?" Raising her glass to her cheeky smile peeking over the rim of the glass. " I'm sure you'll enjoy it here tonight."

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