T h i r t y F i v e

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  T  H  I  R  T  Y F  I V E

「  T  H  I  R  T  Y  F  I  V  E  」

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One word to describe how Scarlett was feeling could only be self-inflicted yes that can be seen as two but to Scarlett it was all just one big mess.

Moments prior to Scarlett being sat on the edge of a balcony of one of the infamous Wayne manors vast open windows. Her mind swirling as she sat with puffy red eyes with no more tears left to spill. Her dirty blonde hair brushing against her tear stained cheek as the wind blew sending chills across her skin.

It had only been a few days since Scarlett had spoke to Alfred. But only a few hours since Bruce and Alfred made a proposition.
Scarlett wasn't expecting what Bruce has offered, quite frankly it was possibly the worst thing he could have suggested.

"Maybe it's best if we find you a family, a foster family of sorts. We could get you your old life back"

Bruce words stuck in her head.

" What do you mean get my old life back?" " I can't get a new family don't you understand—They'll only try hurt them—They'll."

" You'd be under our protection—."

My head has become a swirling void of chaos. I couldn't just simply leave and get a new family. They make it sound so easy, like they can just brush they're problems under the rug. But I'm a far bigger problem than just some little mess on your bedroom floor. I couldn't just up and leave, they would never stop, by they I mean Harley. She would never stop, she'd burn the city to the ground much to her puddings pleasure of course. They'd kill anyone who know where I was. They'd kill just for the fun of it, a part of me thinks he would more for the fun of it, Harley I don't think would go that far unless she really had to. It wouldn't matter if I was under someone's protection they'd just wind up dead. I can't just leave knowing what's happening to Jake. He's being hurt because of me, now that they know they won't stop at anything to find me, use me and hurt me. Once this is all over I may take Bruce up on that offer but for now I can't, I just can't.

"I heard what Bruce asked you?"

" Let me guess Alfred?"

Damian stood leaning against the balcony, his back to the scenic view looking away from Scarlett hiding behind her fallen hair gazing off out onto the perfectly cut grounds below.
" ease dropping" he said flatly lifting his head leaning back as a small breeze rustled past them.
" I assuming you're here just to taunt me and tell me I'm making a mistake—." She huffed letting out her frustration, fingers reaching up tucking her hair behind her ears.

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