spongebob bestfriend

24 1 0

Spongebob: Hi patrick        

patrick: Hi patrick

Spongebob: do you know what funny then 25 

patrick: what

spongebob: 26

patrick: that not funny at all sponge 

spongebob: it funny to me patrick

patrick: Im going under my rock to take a nap

sandy: hi spongebob and patrick

spongebob: Hi sandy

patrick: Hi sandy

spongebob: oh no Im late for work mr.crabs is going to kill me I'll better get there now bye sandy and patrick

mr.krabs: spongebob your late

spongebob: I know I'm sorry 

mr.krabs: There no sorry spongebob now get to work

spongebob: You got it sir

squidwart: FUNNY spongebob get in trouble 

mr.crabs: shut up squirtwart that not funny beacucse you be falling asleep on the job

planton: I'm going to get that forumal

mr.krabs: no your not planton because you cant get pass me

planton:yes i can i just did 


spongebob:planton what are you doing 

planton:umm nothing 


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