Meeting Pointlessblog and Caspar Lee

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Zoe's POV

*In the car*

I cant believe that I am going to this party I was getting a little nervous but I still had Louise with me so that was good!!

Louise: Don't worry it will be fine I promise you will be OK! And if not we can leave right away and go somewhere else if that's how you feel.

Zoe: Thanks Louise. We will see how it goes but I cant leave without meeting Alfie and Caspar.

Louise: Sure. You look great in that by the way

Zoe: Thanks!

*At the party*

Louise's POV

We found Alfie and Caspar and we all got to talking. Zoe and Alfie seemed to be hitting it off very well indeed! Me and Caspar saw it all we were making googly eyes at them and making hearts with our hands. I think Zoe and Alfie would make a good couple!

Zoe's POV


Alfie: Do you want to go somewhere else little one?

Zoe: Please?!

me and Alfie went to the back room behind all the noise and laughter. We sat in there for hours just talking and saying all these things about his family and mine. It felt strangely comfortable around him but it was a good strange. Like I have known him my whole life and I think he felt the same way.

Alfie: Zoe? Do you want to go back to my apartment? Its just around the corner so you don't have to travel too far?

Zoe: Sure I will just text Louise so she knows what I am doing

*Texting Louise*

Zoe: Me and Alfie are going to his apartment so that's where we will be if you need me!

Louise: Sure! Be careful though!!

Zoe: Huh? What does that mean?

Louise: Use protection HAHAHAHAHA!! Got you worried then!!

Zoe: Okay thanks for that Chummy -_-

*End of texting*

Zoe: She's fine with it

Alfie: Cool! Let's go!

Alfie's POV

I don't know what's going to go down tonight but I know that I cant say goodbye to Zoe without kissing her she is perfect and I cant wait to just let her know..

*At Alfie's apartment*

Alfie: Do you want to watch a film?

Zoe: Sure

Alfie: I have breaking Bad, insidious, men in black, elf, smurfs... Any that appeal to you?

Zoe: ELF!!

Alfie: Haha OK!

*Half way through the film*

I had to kiss her. That's all I knew. I put my hand on her cheek she turned her head towards me. I rested my forehead on hers and slowly leaned in and I kissed her.

Zoe's POV

Alfie is kissing me!! This is the happiest day of my life! It got passionate he started putting his hands on my waist and then I ripped his shirt off and everything was a blur until the next morning....


OOOH! Did you like that part? let me know of any plots you were thinking of and I will add it in! bye!-Maria

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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