Forever, can't even express how long I've been here. Eternity is more like it. I've been here for an eternity and a half.
I haven't found my mother
I haven't seen Nemesis
I'm giving upSeveral failed attempts to get out of here. I didn't make it so far though. Raymond had them handcuff me with some kind of shocking technology that'll shock me if I reach a certain distance in the room or if I make any sudden movements.
I've been beaten more times than I've beaten others. When Raymond feels the need to see me, he'll come in and tell me how beautiful I am and try to get at me. If I fight him, I'll get beaten but there is no way he's getting me.
I laid on the tiled floor, helpless.
"Lana." What sounded like Nemesis's voice etched throughout the room, or just in m my head. My head snapped up for the floor causing the handcuffs to send a powerful shock throughout my body. I screamed in pain.
I hate this
I hate this
I hate this
I hate this
I hate thisI started screaming out Nemesis and Quinn's names before bursting into a fit of tears.
I hate that I let Raymond get the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I've had enough.
I calmed down and sat up. My mind started racing a hundreds miles per hour. There is no way I'm staying here. I stood up carefully and flipped off my wig I had on. I kicked it to and area where my hands could get to it. I took out a bobby pin. and I attempted to pick the lock on the handcuffs while simultaneously kicking the wig over the security camera. Of course an alarm immediately sounded, I was under 24 hour watch.
The door swag open and about 10 buff guards bolted into the white room. I'll be crazy to try to fight them. I've been through this so much that I am crazy. I grabbed a guards gun, avoiding as many bullets as possible, and shot them twice each. Turns out dead guards are the best shields. I turned and looked directly into the camera.
I couldn't just walk around this place wearing my 3-day old clothes. I ran into a doppelganger bedroom. I swiftly walked over to the closet frisking it for new clothes. Although the clothes were mainly expensive, I grabbed an all black jumpsuit and quickly changed. I had to come up with a plan and fast.
It was about 10 mintues, I mapped out (what I remembered) of the building and came up with a semi-good plan. I improved in all the ways I failed the last few attempts to escape. I feel like this one will be a success.
"I'll find her, I promise. Let me change." A female voice was heard right outside the door. I had nowhere to go. Once she opened the door I did what I had to, I punched her. Not taking to lightly to the punch, she tackled me to the ground and pinned my hands above my head. "You're who their looking for. What's your name?" I huffed in defeat. "I'm Lana, Lana Steele." The women gasped and tears streamed down her face rapidly. "Lana?"
Lana Steele 2.0
ActionLana has split away from her crew after Raymond, her off-scene partner, showed his true colors. She also wanted answers regarding her mother, seeking help from her husband. Now teaming up with Nemesis, Quinn, and a special surprise they plan to find...