Undertaker and Her Morgue

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     Lenore's POV

     After that heartfelt moment, Saki, Nessie, Tadaaki, and I entered the dark morgue. Despite its dusty cobweb-infested condition, it gave me a calming feeling. The room we entered was dim, the only lighting being oil lamps. Antique chairs were scattered around the room and a beautiful cedar wood receptionist desk was in the center of the room.

      "Hello!" exclaimed a voice all of a sudden. Tadaaki yelped in fear and accidentally transformed into a boa. A flash of smoke blinded us and once we regained our vision, we saw a woman standing in front of us. She looked familiar to me with her long wavy locks of jet black hair tied back in a low ponytail, pale skin, and dark brown eyes. The woman was dressed in a long black dress that resembled Morticia's dress from The Adams Family. She looked like an older version of me. Tadaaki managed to change back to his human form after that little event.

       "Hi?" I greeted her back awkwardly. The woman looked at me and gasped. She ran up to me and embraced me in a tight hug. I was creeped out by a stranger I just met was hugging. After the hug, the lady exclaimed,  "Lenore, you grew up so much!"

      "Uh...how do you know my name...?" I asked, officially creeped out by this woman. Tadaaki had confusion written on his face, but remained quiet. Nessie and Saki also remained quiet.

      "You don't recognize your own aunt?! I know it's been six years, but still!" the woman whined sadly. Aunt? This woman was my aunt? Suddenly I remembered my seventh birthday, just a family party. I remembered the woman being there, handing me a present. The present was a bracelet with raven charms on it.

      "Aunt...Aunt Regina?" I stated in shock. The woman lit up with joy and hugged me again. She was overly cheerful for an undertaker. Aunt Regina exclaimed, "You DO remember me! Oh I missed my favorite niece!"

      "Sorry..." I mumbled out. Aunt Regina chuckled before turning to face Tadaaki. She extended her hand to him and exclaimed, "Hello there! I'm Regina Mata, Lenore's aunt! You must be her boyfriend!"

      Tadaaki and I mentally sweat-dropped at what she said. Memories of the Winter Formal hit me like a bullet train, making me sick in my stomach. I never apologized to Tadaaki about what happened at the Winter Formal.

      "Sorry, but we're just friends. Also it's nice to meet you, Ms. Mata, I'm Tadaaki Seprens," greeted Tadaaki as he shook her hand. Aunt Regina's eyes widened a hit in shock,

"You do know that you have a new niece, right?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Aunt Regina then nervously chuckled, "I...do? Oh god, I haven't been to the human world for a long time! How old?! What's her name!? How cute is she?!"

"Ten months old and is super cute. Her name is Beau," I answered, a ping of sadness rippled throughout my body. Beau, Colby, Mother, Father. Do they even know that I'm in Omeo City? God, please. Please let them be okay.

      "Undertaker, we're here on important business," stated Saki. Aunt Regina looked at her confusedly and chuckled, "Of course! Why else would the daughter of the resistance leaders be here?"

     Saki began explaining about the whole prophecy and me activating the Celestial Raven. She left out the part about me and Abi dating, which I'm grateful for. I wanted to tell Aunt Regina myself that I was gay. Aunt Regina then asked, "Which body do you need, Ms. Chang?"

      "Body E13," stated Saki. Aunt Regina's eyes widened in shock, but she nodded nevertheless. She then said to us, "Follow my lead."

      She walked behind the desk and beckoned us to stand with her. The four of us did and Aunt Regina tilted a head statue of a man that was laying on the desk. I felt the floor disappear under our feet.

      "Oh crap," stated Tadaaki and I in unison as we realized what about to happen. The five of us fell through a passage with Tadaaki and I screaming in fear. Tadaaki accidentally transformed into a boa (again) and wrapped himself around my left leg in fear. I got him off my leg by transforming into a raven. Aunt Regina then transformed into a crow and the two of us landed gracefully on the ground. We quickly transformed back into our human forms, just in time to catch Nessie and Saki.

      "Tadaaki, please get off my neck!" Nessie pleaded to Tadaaki, who was in Aunt Regina's arms. He slithered off of her and went back to normal. Aunt Regina then placed Nessie on the ground. Saki, who was in my arms, then commanded, "Put me down, Lenore."

      "Sorry," I mumbled before placing Saki on the ground. I took a moment to analyze our surroundings. We were in a large dark area with caskets and vases. The only light came from floating candles. Tadaaki then asked Aunt Regina, "Where are we?"

      "The Catacombs of the Morgue!" Aunt Regina exclaimed with a smile.

     "Wait before we do anything, I need to know something. What body am I gonna see their memories?" I asked. Saki looked at me and answered, "The body of Elizabeth Mata."

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