Travelling & Explanation

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"You have everything pal?" Liam asked

I nodded my head looking over everything in my boot. We were all going to see family as King Ni.., I mean Niall had ordered to join back the band, even if we had said no he would have done anyway but you can't say no to little Nialler.

I gave each and everyone of the boys a hug before taking Rudy's car seat off Niall and strapping her in

"have a good time lads, see you in a week" I called as I drove off


Who knew it was going to be so hard to travel as a single parent with a young child, the journey usually last 3 and a half hours tops,  it took 5 hours! When we finally got to my mums house in Doncaster,  I left all the bags in the car just getting Rudy and walking in through the front door, I placed Rudy next to Fizzy on the couch telling her to keep her in the car seat but to look after her, she lay her eyes on sleeping Rudy and let out a massive 'Awwww' making Rudy stir but luckily stay asleep.

"shut up Fiz!" I said angrily "im sorry Fiz, its just she has been awake the whole tims here crying and im now glad she is asleep" i said and she nodded

I went in search of everyone telling them to get to the living room.


"...So that's pretty much it" I said searching the faces of my parents

Rudy then decided to wake up and let out an ear piercing scream,  before I could go over my mum stopped me

"I'll go" she smiled and I sighed im relief

"hello beautiful little girl" my mum coo'ed

My mum picked Rudy up then looked at up then Mark

"we have some news for you too" my mum said smiling, her eyes lightning up

"im pregnant with twins" she squealed and we all said our congratulations

"that means Rudy is going to be older than her aunties or uncles" Lottie shuddered and we all burst out laughing

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