Time with the family

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When I woke up I first glanced over at Rudy's bed, like I always do now.

She wasn't there.

I started to panic

I ran down stairs worrying thinking my baby girl had been kidnapped!

"Mu-Mum Rudy's n-not ups-stairs" I panted

"yes I know she is down stairs with us" she smiled

I sighed in relief knowing she was ok

"I was so worried!" I said

My mum laughed and Fizzy walked towards us holding Rudy

"support her head" I snapped

"Lou, she is holding Rudy perfect! stop being so over protective" said Lottie standing by Fizzy's side

I took Rudy out of Fizzy's arms and mumbled a sorry before walking into the kitchen to make Rudy a bottle.

"their right you know, you are being very over protective,  but I understand" my mum smiled

I didn't say anything and focused on feeding Rudy

"your going to be a great dad" Mark said

"thanks. ..but I act the way I do because I feel im going to fail her" I said frowning

"nonsense" my mum added in

"too right bro, I can tell your already going to be great dad" Phoebe and Fizzy said at the same time which was pretty wierd

"thanks guys" I grinned


The whole time has been spent doing all different things with my family,  its the second to last day before I leave back down to London and because its summer and it's a nice day we have decided to have a picnic in the park. We packed all the stuff up and went. All my time was spent either eating, feeding/taking care of Rudy or playing with the twins and overall it had been an amazing day! Going back home I took time to reflect on the last 3 years? the x-factor, One Direction even the little time I've known Rudy.

"Lou?!" someone shouted


" you zoned out love" my mum laughed getting out of the car

"oh" I said laughed getting Rudy out of the car

I sure was going to miss this time with my family.


"don't go Lou" Said Phoebe

"Yeah Lou don't go" pleaded Fizzy

Mum laughed as did Mark

"I'd love to stay longer,  but I have work and the guys will be having withdrawal symptoms from.." I said

"RUDY!" Lottie said and they all laughed

"well I was going to say me! but yeah especially Niall" I laughed

I hugged them all bye getting a little teary especially at the end of the line at my mum and when I took Rudy off her because it really hit home that I wasn't going to see them for a while because we were starting a world tour soon.

"love you mum" I said wiping a tear from my eye

"love you too son" she said passing a sleeping Rudy to me


The drive back down to London was alot better than going up there. It took 4 hours so a little longer but not too bad.

When I got out the car I did as I did when I got to my mums I left everything in the car just focusing on getting Rudy inside because it was cold as it was November making me realise it would be christmas soon, Rudy's first Christmas! When I walked in Harry was watching tv

"Hey haaaaaz!" I screamed

Harry's head snapped towards me before a big grin spread across his face

Harry gave me a bro hug then picked up a wide awake Rudy.

Next to come in was Liam, he was still a little upset about having to leave his family but he was always quite emotional. Zayn made quite the entrance, also known as falling when he opened the door, due to all the bags he was holding mainly his hair products caused him to fall flat on his face when he walked threw the door

We all burst out laughing and didn't stop till he walked over to us.

Last and no means least was Niall.

"I have arrived!" he called walking in

Rudy let out a wail as she had been woken up

"sorry" Niall said sheepishly

"its fine Nialler" I said

"how are you pal?" Zayn asked because we all knew Niall was the other person to get very emotional about not being with his family

"im..alright I guess, I guess it gets a bit easier each time..but really im hungry" Niall moaned and we all laughed

Typical Nialler!

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