He gets jealous of your crush and you're just friends

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He gets jealous of your crush and you're just friends...

Harry: You guys met while he was on tour. It was actually the last show of tour in his hometown. You had taken your cousin to the concert and meet the badn as an ultimate birthday gift. Well when you met them Harry took to talking to you right away as your cousin started attacking Louis with hugs and questions. Turns out you two went to school together and you guys started to hang out when he got back.

But you two got closer and closer and soon you were best friends. You guys did a lot together and you two went to this little food place where you can eat and the waiter you usually had was really cute.

"I wonder if he would go out with me this Saturday"


"The waiter"

"Aren't you a little out of his league"


"Well I just don't think you would be right for him" He says and you smile.

"Someone is a little jealous" you sing-song and he rolls his eyes.

"If you say so"

Liam: You were a swimming instructor and one of your clients was a very cute guy who you were just fascinated with. You couldn't help but stare every time he came yo see you. Well this time when he came in and he took his clothes off for the pool he was a bit embarrassed. When you asked why he dropped his pants and he was wearing a Speedo.

You covered your giggles with your hands before ushering him into the pool. So when he started doing the exercises you instructed him to do before you started Liam walked up to the pool.

"Hey (Y/N), when do you get off"

"How long you here again Jason"

"Till Five"

"Its only three thirty," Liam whines "I want you to come stay at my place now"

"Liam, stop whining, I'll be there I always am! But I want to see if I can get Jason to ask me out"

"Him? Really"


"Don't you think you could get a guy who could swim"

"He can swim he is just improving his abilities here."

"Well if he needs to improve he isn't much of a swimmer" he laughs and you splash him.

Louis: He was your best friend and a very very protective one but it didn't bother you none. That is until you were at a party with him and you were talking to this really cute guy. He was really nice and you had a small crush on him, he was actually talking about getting out of their when Louis came over.

"Whos this"

"This is Ethan"

"Oh, well nice to meet you, I'm Louis"

"Cool, so (Y/N) do you maybe want to-"

"Uh what are you doing"

"I'm about to see if she wants to maybe get out of here and do something"

"I don't remember giving you permission to ask my best friend out"

"Louis!" You push his shoulder "I'd love to Ethan"

"Cool we can go grab some better food" he grabs your hand and takes you to the door. You look back and see Louis rolling his eyes and grumbling to himself.

Niall: He was your brothers best friend but like instinct he was very protective over you, more than your own brother actually. But that didn't bother you so much it was just the fact that he was spying on you and your crush while you two were watching a movie.

You had invited him over so you guys could talk and get to know each other and all Niall has done was peak out around the corner to watch you two together. You brother pats him on the back which makes him jump.

"Bro stop watching them, she is a good girl she won't do anything"

"Its not her I am worried about" he mutter

Zayn: Going to school full time and living with your best friend was difficult but you somehow managed to have a social life. But while you had a friend over he started to get handy. Zayn surely noticed but didnt say abything. That is until he started to grope you and Zayn got angry.

"Okay enough of that in my house!" He shouts at him.

"Zayn whats the matter"

"Well he is only having finger sex in my living room with me right beside you two"


"No, I don't want him here, I would never do that in public or around anyone. It should be between you two not everyone else." Zayn blows up. "He shouldn't be here, now you can take your disgusting self and leave" the guys leaves with a roll of his eyes and Zayn fumes.


"I'm sorry but I won't have that here," he tells you before storming off to his bedroom

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