You can't have kids

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You can't have kids...

Harry: The doctor walked into the room slowly, a vanilla colored folder in his hand. You looked at him with hopeful eyes as you squeezed Harry's hand. He watched the doctors demeanor, the way he was standing there gave him a bad feeling.

"We have the test results Mrs.Styles" he said with a monotone voice. You began to feel this overwhelming sinking feeling. "We are very sorry to tell you that, you cannot conceive because you are infertile."

"So we can never have children"

"Not necessairly, you can keep trying to concieve, you can consider artificial insemination , or we can recommend an adoption agency." You look at Harry and shrug with tears in your eyes "but a forewarning that none of those options absolutely guarantee a child. But that does not mean you can't try"

"Well we will take the adoption agency card, but I think we will take a little time to go over our options"

"I will give you some time" he nods before leaving the room. Once the door shut you let out a large sob and Harry just pulls you into his chest.

"It will be okay"

Liam: It has been a few days and you were totally anxious on whether or not you were pregnant. Liam was really pushing for a baby. He wanted to be able to have children so badly because he loved kids. He thought of how pure and adorable they really were, and you wanted so badly to give him children.

But disappointment soon followed when you saw the negative sign on the test. You left out a defeated sigh then you heard the front door slam. You stood up slowly and walked out to meet Liam. He came up to you and picked you up by your thighs and sat down on the loveseat with you.

"So did you take a test"

"Yeah" you look down at the test and you began tearing up. You look up at Liam again with a sad voice. "Its negative Li, I'm sorry"

"No don't cry"

"I can't give you what you want, I am such a bad girlfriend" he pulls you to his chest.

"No baby, don't say that" he hushes you "tell you what why dont we go down to the doctors office and we get some testa done alright" you nod again and you guys go down a few weeks later Liam receives a phone call from the doctor breaking the news. He knew what he had to do

Liam walks in your room with a movie you loved along with your favorite chocolate bar. He sits down on the bed and when you look at him you know.

"We could sign up for an adoption agency." He suggests and you nod even though you don't want it to be this way. You're more than happy to give a child a good home but it wasnt your child. "It'll be alright" he assures.

Louis: You were only 17 when they told you. You started growing up and maturing in all areas but you never got a period. You got blood drawn and tests done and they told you that you had polycystic ovaries. Meaning there were cysts in your ovaries and that is why you never had a period. Not having a period won't kill you but it is basically saying, no period no children. So you grew nervous when Louis started hinting at children.

He would talk about kids point out babies as you guys went places, he would take you to baby store and point out outfits for babies. You were really nervous about saying what needed to be said. But as you gently pushed away the offer of children, Louis got upset

"Do you not want children with me? Can I not please you like I used to? Am I not handsome enough? Are you not physically attracted to me? Is that what it is?"

"No Lou that's not why"

"Then what, why dont you want children"

"Because I can't have any!" you shout at him. Your eyes well up with tears. "I cant have any" you say, calmer than the last time you said it.

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