Egg Contest Entry

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(Art above is not mine)
Okay so this is for Fiervence 's Egg raffffffffffffffle

I'm doing the Crimson Fate egg.
And here's the clue that was given

Blood spilt from a terrible fate, straight from thy heavens gate, Crimson love and heartaches,
bone shattering earthquakes.

I believe that this egg is an Animus Cursed Skywing/Mudwing hybrid.

And nao. For le art and story
(I used Merman cause y not?)

Merman stomped out of the meeting hall in a rage, his long body dragging behind his front legs

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Merman stomped out of the meeting hall in a rage, his long body dragging behind his front legs. His mother had wanted him to take a message to the trading post near the Delta, and expected him to be back before sundown. Had she forgotten that he didn't have wings? She must have, because walking with only two front feet would take days to get from the Sky Palace to the delta trading post. Merman huffed a plume of smoke and slithered down the long halls of the palace. Passing Skywings gave him weird looks as they walked past him, as they always did. He ignored them mostly. Except for that one idiot hotheaded smoke-breather that flourished his wings with a smug look on his face as he passed Merman in the first floor hall. That earned him a singed tail. Merman snickered as he exited the castle gate, the guards saluting as he passed them. At least they had a little respect for the only one who could possibly negotiate with the Seawings in this war.
Which reminded him he had to deliver that message for Thunderhead. Merman sighed angrily. It's not like he had anything better to do, but why didn't she send a dragon who could fly?! Merman huffed again and carried on, smoke rising from his nostrils as he slithered down the path to the river. At least he didn't have to walk all the way to the delta. One good thing that comes from being part Seawing is being able to swim.
Just as he was about to leap into the river, he noticed something odd. Well, not really odd but just out of place. Bloodied talon prints lead into the water from a not-to distant cave off the rocky cliffs side. It wasn't that strange, fights broke out all the time among the Skywings, but bloodshed was rare. And the scarlet talon-prints slowly being washed away by the sweeping current were not made by Skywing claws. Merman decided to postpone his current mission and satisfy his curiosity.
At a closer glance, the prints of blood looked semi-fresh, and it hadn't completely dried yet.
As Merman got closer to the cave, the more he could smell the stench of death. His eyes began to water as he reached the cave entrance, and he forced himself to sneeze to get rid off the awful smell.
Then he looked at the surroundings. The cave was quite small, around about as large as three adult Skywings with their wings spread. There was a single torch hanging on the cave wall, barely flickering, giving little light. Merman went up and re-lit the torch, and turned around to see the cave better.
What he saw almost made him gag.
A corpse of a Skywing lay in the far corner of the cave, covered cuts and bruises. The face of it was too badly beaten to be recognized, so Merman had no idea who it was who lay before him. A scarlet lake pooled beneath the body, grossly glimmering in the torchlight. Curled in the tail of the corpse, was what Merman first took to be a rock. But as he got closer, he saw an egg.
"What happened here?" He quietly asked no one, his voice hissing in rage and sadness. He picked up the egg, regarding its strange shell. A red claw mark was scratched onto the surface of the egg, luckily not deep enough to harm the hatchling beneath. The mark itself looked to be oozing blood in the dim light. Merman looked back at the body of his dead tribe member. He must tell Queen Peak about this. He carefully tucked the egg beneath his deformed wing as best he could and walked out of the cave. He looked back at the corpse, and then to the egg beneath his fin.
Thunderheads message could wait.

That's the first thing I've written in a long time, holy crap.

Also, I just want to state that the cave background on the drawing was last minute, that's why it looks like crap. XD SORRY

I hope u like Fiervence !!!!

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