Untitled Part 46

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Zaphod peers at me. "And what is your warrior name?"

"Um, Jean Grey, turned into Phoenix."

"Peculiar name, Jean Grey Turned into Phoenix" he says. "Come, let us retire to my tent up on yonder hill so we may properly get acquainted away from prying eyes. Everyone is always watching the Senate of Calgon."

He tries to put his arm around me but I shrug away from it. "I'm not here to battle, or whatever you're suggesting. I'm here to find someone."

"Ah," he says, folding his arms. "And who is this warrior you seek?"

I try and think. There are hundreds of people here fighting in a blur. "He's British..."

"Everyone here is British," he says. "Doth not hear thine accent?"

"Right. He should be with a kid. His name is Kev...I mean Betoolamous the Brave."

"I'm afraid I can't help you, for there are many brave ones here." He takes a step closer to me. "As am I. Did you know I've been called the best bang since the big one?"

"All right, Zaphod," I tell him, going around him. "Go back to your Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster."

"My what?" he asks as I start jogging across the field toward the beer garden, figuring that's where Blake probably is. That's where I'd be.

Unfortunately I have to head right through a battle to get there.

Foam weapons are coming at my head in all directions and it doesn't seem to matter that I don't have a shield and I look like I'm trying to go somewhere, because I am hit absolutely everywhere. Foam to the face, shoulders, boobs, gut, ass. Then the ass some more by some medieval pervert with a very large sword.

"Ahhhh!" I cry out, trying to run and shield my head and ass at the same time when suddenly the pervert is struck on the back and he falls to the ground in dramatic fashion.

"Death is such a pity," he ekes out, reaching for me with his hand before he mock dies.

There is no reprise before the hits start up again but there is a hand grabbing mine and leading me out of the chaos and clamoring.

When we're a few feet away from the action and I can breathe I look up to see who my rescuer is.

I already knew from the feel of his hand.

Except this isn't Blake at all. It's Tom Hiddleston. I mean, Loki.

Don't ruin my fantasy.

"You saved me," I tell him.

Blake's face is far too serious for the battleground and far too serious to play Loki. But it's him, dressed from head to toe in his armor, from the green cape and gold-plated shoulders, to the horn helmet atop his head. He looks menacing.


And fucking hot.

"What are you doing here?" Blake asks as the battle rages around us.

"Kevin didn't tell you?"

He shakes his head, his helmet starting to tip over. His hand shoots up to steady it. "No."

"Oh," I say, feeling stupid. "Um, well I ran into him today. He was with your stepmother. You never told me about her and her Benedict Cumber—"

"Don't even say his name."

"Anyway he expected me here today and your stepmother seemed really grateful when I said I'd still come so...here I am."

"And that's the only reason?" he asks softly, peering intently into my eyes.

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