Chapter 2 Test?

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I have a test today I wonder is it the same as Jariya's bell test. I have a feeling it is the same test and I can get it myself I don't need my team for they are going to try it on their only like idiots. "So today you all need to get these bells from me you can use any ninja tools. Understand?" Minato sensi told us. I knew it. The others said yes I just nodded. As so as he said go we all scattered into our hiding spots as so as they couldn't see me I hide my chakra. I toke my swords and waited for the perfect time to attack. When I see that no one went for my dad I attack. Let's say he never see me. "You have got very good Lauren. I never would have guessed you knew how to do that. Who taught you" father said will he blocked my swords. "Orochimaru taught me. And you better watch out father for I could be the child of prophecy master Jariya said." I sway my left leg under his legs and knot him off his feet. I did a backflip to get away fast. I can't let him touch me for than he can put a tellerportation jujitsu on me. "Hidden vines" I whispered so he can't hear me. My vines wrap around his legs and arms holding him in place. "Gotta ya. Try to get out of that dad." I said really coldly. He tried and tried but couldn't get out. "There is no way out of my vines father." I said to him as I walked to him to take the bells. Poof. "A shadow clone what the hell!" I shouted. I can't believe that he tricked me, he is so going to get it. She has gotten really strong I have to watch out for her vines a specially. Minato thought. I bended to push my chakra into the earth to feel for fathers chakra. Gotta ya you can't hide from me. "Wood style. Wooden clone." I whispered. "Ah"I heard come from the tree that my father was in. "Bring him here." I shouted. "You think you can trick me, think again father." Before I knew it Kakashi had cut all my vines that held my father in place. "So you want to fight me Kakashi? Well be prepared to lose." I said as cold as my voice could go. Father, Obito and Rin all jumped to a safe distance to watch as me and Kakashi battle it out.

Time skip
At the end of the fight I had all my swords pointing to Kakashi's throat with him on the ground and me on top of him. "You really are a loser, you can't even hold your katana properly. Mhm parthic." I said getting up and walking away. "Wait! I want to talk to you." I heard Kakashi shout. "What do you want now?" I said irritated. By this time everyone else had left so it was just me and Kakashi. "Could you maybe help me train?" He asked almost embarrassed. "Maybe but first you have to prove it to me that you are worthy of my train and time." I told him to show that I would if he is prepared to train long and hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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