Chapty 4

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Kite's P.O.V.
I jumped up awake when I noticed that it was 3:00 pm "SHIT!" I cursed as I jump out  of my bed, put on my daily clothes, head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and check my hair. I run out of the building and towards (name)'s house.

After running for 5 minutes I stop at her (f/c) front door and caught my breath before knocking "coming!" A feminine voice shouted as the door open. "Oh hello Kite" (name) smiled, I could feel heat going up toy face "sorry I'm late" I quickly say. (Name) laughs making me question if she was alright "I'm fine. Its just that.....whether you're late or not it's ok because we'll make up for it" I sigh in relief that she wasn't mad at me. She invites me in for lunch and as if on que my stomach rumbles "u-uhhh I guess I-I'll eat" (name) laughs again but this time I laugh with her, her cute laugh was contagious- wait.....CUTE?!?!?! WTF IS WRONG WITH ME??!!! I snap back in reality when (name) snaps her finger in front of my face asking if I had a fever because my face was red. "N-no I'm fine!" I exclaimed as I walked inside.

I have to admit that (name)'s cooking is amazing! She had made a salad along with (food), I thank (name) as I finish my plate "no problem, here hand me your plate so I can wash it" she offered. I nod my head and stood up "no. If you made me something to eat then I should thank you by helping you clean" I said as I walk to the sink to wash my plate. Once I turn around (name) was smiling at me "w-what is it?" I stutter turning off the sink "oh nothing, it's just that people usually don't think like you do" (name) comes up to me and hugs me "thanks for that" I hug back hoping she doesn't look up to see my blush. It doesn't take long for us to clean the dishes and table so (name) and I take Tetsuya to school "I'll come pick you up later ok?" (Name) asked and Tetsuya smiles "ok!" He confirms as we were on our way to our job: number hunting.

We made our way around the city, we passed an alleyway and that was when (name) started swaying "are you ok?" I ask then I notice the last time she looked weak: a number that had corrupted someone was nearby. I held (name)'s body against to avoid her falling down, she opens her mouth but I stop her "I know and I will be right back" "no I'll go with you" she shot back. I was surprised, (name) knew she was hurt so why did still insist on going. "I'm your partner so no matter what I'm going to help you" (name) gave me a reassuring smile. I sigh and walk towards the alleyway while (name) told me where to go.

She tells me to stop when we arrive in front of a door "ready?" I ask as (name) nods "always" she says smirking. I kicked the door open making sure that (name) didn't fall. The group of people behind the door gasped, (name) and I held our noses from smelling the cigarettes and alcohol that's been used obviously. I place (name) against the wall so she could get support from thedeck l "PHOTON TRANSFORMATION!!" I shouted as my left eye turns red and my clothes turn into a bright white while I take out my duel disk and deck. (Name) takes out her duel disk and deck "(CARD TYPE) TRANSFORMATION!!!" her left eye turns red but her clothes stays the same "DUEL!" We both shout as the group of duelists start to take out their decks and disks as well.

With minutes we had beaten almost all of the duelists. Two other duelists comes our way "we're very surprised you beaten all of them" a male figure chuckled. The air was pretty tense as we had started to duel.

TIME SKIP (bc I'm bad at duels)

It was very close but (name) and I had won with 200-300 life points "whew! That was a pretty fun" (name) laughs a bit until she starts to collapse "(NAME)!" I ran to catch her into my arms. Her face in my chest, it made me blush 'why does it keep doing that?' I ask myself as I carry (name) bridal style taking her to Heart Tower after I collected the number card. (Name)'s peaceful sleeping face puts me at ease as she lays in my bed with me sitting on the sides staring at her while I took notice of her facial features: long (h/c) lashes, perfect light pink lips, (s/c) skins, no acne. She also had soft (h/c) hair. I was happy that (name) is ok but for some reason I have a gut feeling that something is going on, but I don't know what. (Name)'s eyes flutter open as I start to see her shining (e/c) orbs "hey Kite" she greets "hi (name)" I greet back, (name) sits up and looks around my room complimenting it from time to time.

I get up so (name) can stand, when she tries she starts to fall until I grab her hand making her avoid falling. She thanks me and gets up again with a little help from me but eventually walks by herself "well I have to go pick up Tetsuya so I will see you tomorrow I hope!" (Name) smiled and so did I for some bizzare reason "ok. I'll call tonight to see if everything is ok" (name) laughs making me wonder what I said that was amusing. "Why would you wonder if we were ok? I'm 16 so I know what I'm doing" I sigh and nod my head "and I'm 18 so I have more control over you" (name) pouts then jumps on my back?!


(Name) points towards the door and I laugh at her childishness "alright, hang on tight" I announce as I run to the elevator. (Name) was really light so it was easy, once we had gotten to the bottom of the tower she pointed towards the direction of the school Tetsuya went to. As I walked people had begun to stare but no matter what (name) smiled and conversed with me maybe to distract me from the people staring "right there!" (Name) does a back flip off my back and runs towards the medium sized building. I see Tetsuya and (name) walk towards my direction "hi Kite!" Tetsuya ran up to me "hey there" I greet. If only Hart would meet Tetsuya then that would be great. I walk (name) and Tetsuya home earning a kiss on the cheek by (name) when Tetsuya had gotten inside "see you tomorrow" she said going inside her house "yeah" I smiled softly and headed towards home.

Kite Tenjo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now