run run run

10 0 0

chapter 3

for a minute neither one of us said anything.

"you ran into a wall" I finally said.

he smiled and chuckled. " I was hoping you would forget that"

I closed my eyes then opened them.

he looked at me curiously. " Its all forgotten now" I said.

"that's a relief." he said.

"Taylor" I herd Henry's voice calling.

I felt my eyes go wide. I quickly hid behind the boy.

he laughed. "not the best hiding spot." he,said.

"shhhhh" I shushed him.

"Taylor" his voice was closer.

"crap" I said.

"come on" the boy said and them he had his hand in mine and pulled my after him.

we started walking down the side walk but started to run when we herd my name again and Henry was chasing us.

"Taylor wait"

the boy held on tight to my hand ad he led us through the crowded streets.

we had to stop for a second when he fell over a fruit stand. Henry almost caught us there.

we kept laughing so hard it was hard to believe that we could still run.

the boy pulled me to the side in between two buildings. I watched as a second later Henry went running by calling my name.

"must be popular with the boys, to be having one chase you like that"

I laughed and turned to look at him. only then did I notice that he had one arm around my waist and I was pressed up against him.

my heart instantly began to beat faster.

"no...I...just...he" I stepped away from him to catch my breath.

he smiled and began to laugh. his laugh was like music to my ears.

"what" I asked him.

"that was the most fun I've had in in while." he said.

I smiled at him. since I just,gave you the most fun in a while, why don't you tell me your name"

"well I can think of something more fun you can do for me." he said winking.

"really your hitting on me right now"

he gave name an innocent smile.

"it's William" he said.

"I'm Taylor"

"i figured since that guy was running after you and calling your name." he said.

"by the way any particular reason you were running away from the guy"

"I was running because you dragged me after you"

I laughed when I saw the face he made.

"fine my parents are hell bent on marrying me off, so they make me go on all these blind dates"

a emotion I couldn't lace washed over him but as soon as it was there it was gone.

"still didn't explain the wanting to hide from him"

"his laugh would make any one go crazy and he was touching me"

"fair enough" he said.

we both fell silent and listened to the busy streets of new York.

my phone suddenly began ringing.

I pulled it out and saw that it was my mother.

"great" I said rolling my eyes.

as soon as I answered she was yelling at me.

"where are Henry called saying he lost you, what ate you doing. you better have a good excuse"

"I do, mom you don't how horrible this guy was he-

"I don't care, I told you he was one of your dad's biggest clients how could you ruin it. I ask you for one simple thing and you can't even do that"

I stayed quite in till she finished her ramble.

"look I'm a little busy so I'll talk to you when you get home" she finished and hung up.

"trouble" William asked.

"lots she's going to kill me, so if you never sees again because I'm dead."

"well then we have to do what we can while we can" he said grabbing on to my hand and pulling me once again behind him.

"hey where are you taking me" I asked.

"you'll see" he said not giving me any hint of where we were headed.

and even though I had just met the guy I trusted him enough to let him lead me.

he led me into a store and over to a giant water fountain.

"what are we doing here" I asked looking at the water fall from the statues hands.

I looked over at him as he took out a quarter. he closed his eyes and then through it in.

"what was that" I asked.

"I just made a wish"

"what kind of a wish" I asked.

"one where you don't get killed by your mother so I'll see you again"

I looked at him to see if he was serious. there was nor a sight that said he wasn't.

"well we'll see"

"now for the fun part"

"are we going to a bigger water fountain" I joked

"no that's going to be saved for later, for now we're going to a carnival that's in Manhattan at the moment"

" what makes you think I'd go all the to,Manhattan with you" I asked him.

"it's that or go home no and try your luck on my wish" he said pointing at the fountain.

I thought it over. "well what are you wating for were burning daylight" I said grabbing a hold of his arm.

"taxi" I called out waving my arm around. a taxi stopped in front of us.

"Manhattan" i said to the taxi driver.

and just like that I as heading to Manhattan with practicality a stranger.


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