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I am clumsy
My body is drowsy
I am gonna fall

Let The One catch me
The One who always will
If He is here
I am ready to fall

But where is He?

Love sick So am I So am I
Love sick So am I So am I

My head is bobbing
I am Nyctophobic
I find light in his eyes
To help me otherwise

My hands are shaking
I am Monophobic
I am comforted by him
But all in day dream

Because Where is HE?

Love sick So am I So am I
Love sick So am I So am I

I am tapping my foot
I am not so cute
But wanna be called by
The One who make me sane

I can feel tingles by mere thought Sending shivers
Up my spine while
I am walking in lane

Where is the source
Of that tingles I can tell
But I can't get while
It's all up to HIM

I am searching searching searching Where is HE?

Love sick So am I So am I
Love sick So am I So am I

I am naive Sporus
Where is my Nero?
Here Antinous is waiting
For his Hadrian!

I am sick of him
But I am fond of him
I am just blabbering
When I even don't know him,

But I can feel him
Somewhere better than nowhere Some may think I am a loser
But who knows

Love sick So am I So am I
Love sick So am I So am I

I want to kiss him
I want to hug him
But where is he?
I am like this because

Of him somewhere hiding
I am here waiting
Can't do anything
But seeing my heart breaking

Where is the One
Who breaks my heart now
But can fix and grab it in tow

I can feel him.
But where?

He is roaming free
I am rambling
I can't sleep
I can't be awake
I can't sit
I can't walk

Am I a toy to him?
Cause he is operating?

Tell me where is he?
In underground
On top of volcano

In middle sea
Or somewhere in neverland?

If he is even in Sodom or Gomorra
I'll be there
Just perishing with him

Cause now I am living
In sorrow and pain
For not being with him

But I am living
With love and hope
That He is living
Happy and content

What can I do else?
Can't go dig a hole
And bury my face in it

But can dig a loop
Of memories and be smiling with it


Love sick So am I So am I
Love sick  I am Love sick

Nyctophobia - Fear of Darkness
Monophobia - Fear of Loneliness
Sporus & Nero - Latin Royal Gay couple
Antinous - Greek Boy and Lover of Hadrian
Hadrian - Great Latin Emperor
Sodom & Gomorra - Ancient Cities stated in the Testament which are perished.

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