Chapter 2

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" Hello , Aria how was school? Her mother said soon as she got in the car.

"It was ight but mom , let me tell you sum tho"

"Spill it hun" she said while starting the car up again.

"Okay so soon as i got into my class my teacher told me to sit next to this girl name Kinsey ,
And so then soon as I sat down she turnt to me and said "Hi I'm Kinsey wanna be friends" And so my crazy butt said sure but i believe shes up to something. Cause she seems wired but for right now we can be cool"

"Well , Aria you gotta be careful ion know the girl but y'all can be friends just don't tell her anything like all your business"

"Okay , mama"

Pulling up at the house , they both got out and headed inside .



"Im Hungry can we go get something to eat ??"

"Aria we were just out , should of said sum ."

"But mom , pleasee "Giving her the sad face

"Fine , lets go so we can hurry and get back before your dad comes."

Getting in the car , she ask her where she wanna go.

"Aria where do you wanna go to eat ?"

"Unnn wendys please"

Going straight to wendys they order they food and left going to the store.

"Stay here while ill get some gas"

Listing to her mother she just stayed in the car otp till she spotted Kinsey.

"Mom , That's kinsey" While pointing at her.

I should if never said that , den my mom turned around and said "You must be Kinsey"

Kinsey turned around and said "yes , and who are you ?"

"Im Aria mother , she was telling me about you ."

"Ohh , where is she?" She asked looking around.

"In the car ."

Kinsey walking over to the car she waved at aria and said "hiii" all happy

Trying to figure out what she was happy for i just smiled and wave. Being a mother just like i thought she invited her over and i was just like "really mom"

"Aria it will be fine i just want to get to know her better before anything else she seems nice and too preppie(All about herself)"

*sighing to her mother she said "fine "and left it alone

"Well Kinsey dinner will be ready tomorrow around 7 hope to see you there.

"See ya then",

*walking back to the car she waved bye to aria while smiling and drove off*

Thinking .. What is this girl up to , I'm getting scared now.

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