chapter 18

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Spring break 💦

"Come on Jamaal im ready to go .." I yelled

It was now spring break and we were going to to the beach but jamaal takes forever to get ready..

Still yelling for jamaal he finally ready ..

"Unnn.. Baby you didnt have to yell.." he said.

"Well , you took forever to come and im ready to go" I said sitting on the bed

"Didnt even take that long .."

"You guys ready to go ".. My mother says .

"Yess .. "

Getting in the car . i laid on jamaal till i fell asleep ..

Couple hrs later ..

"Aria .. Sweetie wake up "jamaal said.


"Were here .."

Waking up i was ready to head to the beach

"Come on lets get signed in and get ourselves unpacked "my mother said

We were all in the same room i didnt care tho and maal didnt either . getting to our room taking everything out we got ready to head shopping ..

"Baeeeeee .. Can i get thiss .." I asked

"Sure lets go get it .."

"Yay ".. My mother called us so we can go out to eat so we meet them .. Arriving to Kings special foods ..    We all sat down and talked .

"So jamaal what yall did today ? "My mother and father ask

"I took aria shopping and we just looked around "

"Aww , so jamaal did you ask her ? "My father said

"Ask me what ? "I said

"Oh its nothing . "they both said ..

While looking at him i just shook my head and waited on my food to come ..

Jamaal pov

When aria father ask me if i ask her i was like no but i will soon aria the only person i want to be with . i love aria over these 1 year and couple months we grew to be better and her parents love  me and i respect them nd her father keep asking me i wanna marry her and when i told him yes he was happy and couldnt wait tonight im going to tell her


We was walking on the beach and her father kept looking at me and smiling me and him got that bond that nobody knows .. We paused and i was ready to ask her ..

"Aria .." I got her attention

"Yes ?" She stop eating to look at me

"i wanna ask you something ."

"Like ?"

"Just wait you will see .."

"Okay ."

"Aria from the day i seen you i knew you was the one for me i love you and wanna spend the rest of my life with you aria . your mines and ion want nobody eles but you so what am im saying is ... Will you marry me ??"

While looking down at me she started crying while saying "yess ".

I got up and starts kissing her while her mother and father all happy and hugging us ..

"Thank you baby" . she said

"Its no problem. Anything fa you ."

Aria pov

Im so happy when he ask me to marry him hes the one if everybody love him ik hes the one im still surprise he did that but its no problem i love him and thats who i wanna be with

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