Music to look at.

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I would like to have the essence of my favorite songs on pictures and photographs. The songs and melodies that pick me up and calm me down, would be captured in a picture, giving me the same effect. Pleasure, peace, and happiness. My playlists would become photo albums with all my beloved tunes and my memories compressed and immediate. I wonder what they'd look like. Soft and bright or colorful and loud? Yet different to everyone. Right now, my playlists are exactly that. I have one for every occasion, like my personal first aid kit. But some of the times I either don't have the time to listen to them or it's just not the place to have headphones in and totally extract myself as I'm sinking into my own little bubble of comfort.
I would love to have a photo book , that I could just physically touch and see, not just hear. I'd be able to just quickly flick through it and feel the tension ease away from me like sand out of my hand.

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