Letter 2

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Dear Logan, 

I miss you. You've now been gone for three weeks. I haven't been feeling well lately but I just think I'm coming down with a little cold. *laughs* But, anyways, I can't wait to meet you. I'm just not sure when. I still remember that day you asked me to be your girlfriend. It was cold outside and we've just went to Starbucks to get coffee and hot chocolate. We sat in the park just as the friends we were and then, well, you said, "Jessica, I'm crazy in love with you. You're amazing and everything I look for in a girlfriend. I want us to be real." And then I said, "Yes," and we kissed. That was the first kiss we've ever shared together. You know, I smile at that everyday. But missing you just makes my heart ache and my head hurt. Missing you is a horrible feeling and I hate it. 

But nevermind about that, is the movie going well? How far are you? I can't wait to go see you and the new movie and you know, I'm really glad that you're my forever. 

Love always,



I folded up the second letter. I live with Lacey since my parents died and I had no where to go. She's in Vermont checking out a college so I'm just here alone. I put the letter in the envelope and scrawled out Logan's name on the front. I kissed it lighty and I put it in a big green box that has the note from last week in it.

I sit there at my desk with the picture of Logan and I. I smile to myself and I hang it back up. I cough into my arm and I sit on the floor. I breathe in and out and my head throbs. I grab my desk and I pull myself up with all the strength I could. 

"I'm ok," I whisper to myself, "I'm okay. I'm alright."

My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hello?" I cough into the phone.

"Jess? Are you ok?" Logan.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I wave it off, "How's the movie?"

"It's going great actually, I really miss you." He says.

"I miss you too."  I whisper. "When are you going to be back?"

"In a few months maybe? Maybe several?" 

"Oh." Is all I say.

"I can come back home, Jess, it's no big deal." He says.

"No! No! It's ok! No! You stay there and finish that movie!" I plead.

"Are you sure?" He asks me, his voice filled with concern.

"Yeah." I say.

"Okay. Well, I have to go."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye beautiful."

I hang up and I sigh. I grab my car keys, my phone, and wallet and I walk down the stairs. I open the door and turn on the radio. Unconditionally started playing. I hold back tears. That's our song. Me and Logan's song. I shut off the radio and I put my forehead on the steering wheel. I start to sob. My shoulders move heavily and my heart starts to throb. I bang my forehead on the steering wheel about fifteen times very hard. 

I sob heavily even more. I'm a horrid wreck.


Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter! Everyone watch the movie, Girl Fight, it's really inspiring and it shows that you need to be aware of everyone's feelings and don't seek revenge. I just finished watching it and it's was amazing! It's on YouTube and the Lifetime channel. Well, I have to go. Bye!

Letters to Logan *Logan Lerman Fan Fic* {completed}Where stories live. Discover now