Letter 4

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Dear Logan,

I passed out in the middle of the street yesterday. I'm fine, I guess. Lindsey, Lucas, Lisa, Larry, Linda, and Lacey all came to help me. I don't speak to anyone. I just want to speak to you. I'm in a hospital bed all alone with nothing but a lamp, a green pen, and a notebook. My head hurts and everything on my body hurts. A nice nurse is caring for me. Her name is Lucy. Wow. A lot of L's. I'm writing some new stories too.

I won't be able to write a lot of letters now, Logan. I have to get better before you come home. I know I'll get better. I have another question (you know, speaking from my last letter), well it's not really a question it's more of a statement. I miss you and I love you. But, if I don't get better . . . please forget about me. Don't remember me. Please. It'll only hurt.

The doctor said I have a rare disease of cancer. I don't know if that made any sense or not. He says I could die. I made everyone promise not to tell you to come home or to tell you that I might die and that I'm really sick. I have to go. Lucy's here.

Love always,


Sorry this chapter is so sad! Well, I think it's sad. But, ok. I'll be updating this entire story tonight possibly! I hope you like this chapter! G'day mates! Well...G'night mates! LOL! c:


Letters to Logan *Logan Lerman Fan Fic* {completed}Where stories live. Discover now