Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen,

When you are betrayed would you forgive? Or would you punish?

Caden's POV

I sat in the throne room staring coldly at the person in front of me. Standing beside me was Accalia, I had retrieved her a few days earlier but I have yet to tell her the truth. She still thinks she is called Zera, I need to tell her 'her real name' and explain everything that happened soon or later, but for now I had a traitor to deal with.

The traitor was in a kneeled pose, not willingly though, I was forcing him to with my powers. Gabriel, you thought I was going to kill you didn't you? Well I only summoned you here, the fun has yet to begin. I can't believe you, my most trusted friend betrayed me like that. I was silent as I stared right into Gabriel's eyes, keeping my thoughts to myself. Then I finally spoke, in a cold tone, "Gabriel, Captain of the Royal Guards, do you know what the crime is you have committed?"

Gabriel looked up towards me, knowing that I was serious by using his full title and name. He lowered his eyes and looked away, "My crime is betrayal against the crown."

Accalia looked towards me in slight shock, wondering what I was going to do next. As I opened my mouth to speak I was interrupted by his voice. "CADEN WHY?!!! WHY?!! Why are you doing this to me?.." His voice started out as loud before growing soft. A soft growl escaped my lips with a scowl plastered on my face. I didn't answer, but just as I was about to Gabriel yelled out to Accalia. "Zera! Caden is lying to you! Your name is Accalia! He killed Prince Nicholas! The name who was engraved in your locket!" Gabriel cried out and that's when I stood up from my chair. "NICHOLAS IS ALIVE FOOL!!" I yelled to his face which brought some shock. "I planned to use your brother to get the prince back here to kill him, but you go and ruin-" I was cut off by Lu Lu in my thoughts. Caden you realize this could play in to your plan right? If those dogs are stupid enough to bring the prince again in a effort to rescue Michael, then you get another chance to kill him. He spoke darkly and I smiled, right you are Lu Lu, this should be easy enough..

I snapped back to reality, Looking straight at Gabriel. "Take him to the dungeon" I spoke coldly before turning away. The guards on the outside of the throne room came in and grabbed Gabriel by both arms. "Caden wait! I'm sorry don't do this! We're friends!" He called out but I still had my back turned. "Friends don't betray each other.." was all I said and out of the corner of my eye I saw his face. His face held shock and looked broken hearted, and it gave my heart pain, but as a leader I knew I must punish servants and peasants in order to remain in control. Gabriel broke the law and there's no exceptions for him, sadly I might have to keep him in prison for life. That is after all the punishment for betrayal...

With a sigh I turned to where Accalia was standing only to find that she was no longer there. My eyes went wide as I looked around the room, how could I have not notice her slip away?! Accalia don't betray me too please! All I want is to live in peace! I want nick dead! Please!

I walked out of the throne room in a hurry to the nearest balcony to find it open. That's when I saw Accalia leaving the stables- ON MY HORSE!!! I held my anger in as she fled the gates and turned to a servant. "Send out a search party" Those we my only words and they nodded before quickly dashing off to the military quarters. My gaze returned to the balcony as I watched Accalia grow smaller and smaller. To be honest I didn't know where she was heading, but if she was heading to Doloria, then everything I dreamed of will be dead. I need to get my army prepared for a war if that happens, and  Diablo take good care of her, don't let me down..

Accalia's POV

I fled Caden's castle in a hurry while riding his magnificent black stallion, Diablo. He had a blaze on his face and two front white socks, accompanied by red fire eyes like Caden. Though you had to look hard to notice them.

In that moment when Gabriel yelled out Caden was lying to me, I opened my eyes

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In that moment when Gabriel yelled out Caden was lying to me, I opened my eyes. It felt like I had woken up from a dream that seemed to last forever, my name was Accalia. Though it seems I still can't remember who this Nick is, but I do know he named me. I kicked Diablo in to a faster pace heading towards the island shrouded in mist. If I could cross that quickly it would mean I would get to Doloria faster, but some part of me was hesitant to go. Luna what do you think? I asked Luna's opinion instead of Celia's. Well it would be smart to not go, as that island is the supposed 'Land of the Beast'. However part of me says we should go, despite the flaming breath that can be seen from inside the mist... I sat on Diablo for a moment wondering what to do. Then I looked over at the island and kicked Diablo in to a walk, he was hesitant at first but then followed my orders. He walked in the body of water and began to swim, and I became soaking wet from chest down. Ew gross we're soaking wet! I heard Celia complain, No shit Inspector Gadget, way to go! I never knew we were wet. Luna spoke back sarcastically and Celia growled at her. Shut up bitch, Celia growled and Luna laughed, whatever you say dearest friend.

I felt like Celia made this face that was disgusted and laughed softly to myself

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I felt like Celia made this face that was disgusted and laughed softly to myself. They seemed to go at it forever so I blocked their voices out for the moment, and that was when we reached the land. Diablo stepped on to the shore and shook his head violently, water went everywhere and it made me chuckle. I dismounted and took off my shirt so I could wring it out, but I suddenly stopped moving. A big drop of saliva dropped on my shoulder and I turned my head slowly to look at it. What in the fuck- Celia's voice was cut off by Luna whining, Ewwwwwwww get it off!!! I didn't respond as I was near frozen. I slowly lifted my head shakily, and thats when I saw it,

The supposed beast of legend, stood right over me....


Well that's it for this chapter guys! Sorry I took so long! My grandma came for a month and I haven't seen her in two years, so that's why I wasn't writing. I apologize and promise to be more active in writing since the ending is fast approaching. Just what do you think will happen next?!

Thanks for reading! Remember to leave a like and a comment!

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