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Before, there were two chickens who promised to wait for each other, since the time for them has not yet arrived. At the first days, they were sweet as sugar and lovely as the flowers can be. But time passed and the wonderful love that they had began to fade. The sugar of sweetness became bitter and the lovely flowers became droopy.

Then one day came, when the feelings weren’t felt anymore. No more love was in the air. It was so devastating. They had already come to realize that they are not meant to be, and the stronghold of their hearts began to collapse. “I cannot feel him anymore.” The chicken said to herself. The rainy weather accompanied her feelings and made it go lower. The rooster felt also the same way.

Due to the very sad happenings, both of the chickens decided to completely break the solemn vow of waiting. They both let go… And they searched for their paths, without the company and cares of each other.

The rooster had found another chicken on another farm. And the other had found the company of a rooster older than her. They had both felt happiness with their ‘replacements’ but it was never named complete happiness, definitely not what they had desired. And after a long time, their relationships with the ‘replacements’ were torn apart.

They had met in front of the chicken coop where they first met themselves. “I was wrong when I broke he vow, I’m sorry, and I just wanted to say…” The words of love and apology was stopped when suddenly the farm owner grasped the rooster and brought it into the house. No word from the rooster was heard since then. The other month came when every farm animal saw the hen hanging on the wired wall of the farm.



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