Chapter 15

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Emma POV - 2 years later

"Killian!" I wined as I lay naked in the studio of our home, I was getting cold and tired. "Love, you should be uses to this by now" He said poking his head out from the canvas. I sigh "Just hurry up before Elizabeth wakes" Killian soon finished just in time as our little 2 year old awoke, he helped me stand before I went upstairs. 

"Hello sweetheart" I opened the curtain, letting in the afternoon sun, making Elizabeth's bright blue eyes and golden hair shine as she stared at me. She was happily standing in her cot holding onto the side ready to play. "Mama play!" She shouts, reaching up. I lift her, sitting her on my hip and head back down stairs. 

Killian had cleaned up and was preparing a snack. "Good sleep baby?" He asked as I placed Elizabeth in her high chair, she sweetly nods. We all sit happily eating, life was great. Killian had been selling his painting left, right and center. Meaning we had finally been able to buy our own house other then living with Lily.

We lived only a few blokes away, Lily coming to visit most days when we first moved in 6 months ago. But after nearly 2 years Lily finally got back out there, meeting a lovely man name Hank, who had actual gone to College with Brennan years before. They were still taking their relationship slow, just liking having some company. Hank never wanted to replace Brennan or even been a father to Killian and Liam, only to be a friend.

He was slowly becoming part of our little family, which was soon to expand again "Eat up Love, don't want to stave our little man" Killian said poking my very pregnant belly. "And how do you know it's a little man?" Killian just smiled "I just got a feeling." I laugh, and in that moment I felt it. Water trickling down my leg, my dress soaked. It was time.

I didn't have to say a word for Killian to jump on "Elizabeth be a good girl and stay put?" She nods and Killian quickly helps me upstairs. We were both a lot calmer this time. I had a quick shower and changed, while Killian called the hospital and the family. By the time we where down stairs Belle, Liam, Lily and little Kyle were all there.

Belle and Liam took Elizabeth for us and we all headed off. This time was much much quicker, which I was very happy about. Still killed like a bitch, swearing I'd never again had a child. Of course the minute our little baby boy 'Damn Killian for being right' was born all the pain was gone and only replaced with love. 

Our little boy was named Jackson Brennan Jones. He already had a dark mop of hair and bright blue eyes just like his father. Elizabeth and Kyle were both in awe of the little baby, happily sitting on the bed smiling down at the knew addition. "Maybe you should give some sleep?" Killian said, I nod giving everyone a hug and kiss goodbye. 

As time went on our family continued to grow, Belle and Liam welcomed twins girls into the family a year later. Maggie and Mandy Jones both had beautiful brown hair and eyes. Elizabeth hadn't been a fan of the girls at first but as years past she learned she always had friends to play with her, having tea parties, dressing up as princess. All the thing Kyle and Jackson hated.

Hank had officially moved in with Lily, it was obviously seriously but both put title on what ever they were. All the kids loved him and being to young to understand that their real grandfather passed away, he was it for them. But never did Hank disrespect Brennan, actual as the children got older he would tell them stories about him from their younger years. 

Life was prefect and all to think to all started with me being homeless and modelling for Killian's College class. It had been the best thing I'd ever done, I remembered being so scared and worried when I found out I would be standing stake naked in front of a class room full of random people. 

I smiled, sitting out by our pool with Belle beside me. Watching as Killian and Liam chatting in front of the bbq, Lily and Hank were being sickeningly cute at one end of the pool her hands around his neck giving soft kisses to each other. Elizabeth, Maggie and Mandy were laying out in the sun, most likely talking about boys, all now quickly becoming young ladies. And then Kyle and Jackson happily kicked a soccer ball around.

It was prefect, this was something I never thought I'd had. But here I was, living the life I could only of dreamed of and it was all because of him. Killian Jones. Her husband and best friend. The man that took in a complete stranger and gave her a roof over her head. Her one and only, her true love, her happy ending.

The End 

Author's note - Finally got this chapter out! Sorry it took so long. I really hope you liked this story :) 

P.s I didn't proofread this chapter, so please let me know of any mistakes.   

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