you're having my baby ➳ lucaya

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Lucas wiped a tear out of the corner of his eye with the crease of his elbow and looked back down at the onions he was cutting. Not putting the knife down, he turned to the stove and cranked up the heat to bring the chicken broth to a boil.

He was in the zone and he thought nothing could distract him from his soup in progress... but he was wrong.

"Lucas." Maya said standing in the doorway to their kitchen. Lucas spun around on his heels to face his very pregnant wife. His eyes quickly fell upon the puddle beneath her.

"Shit." was the only thing that could escape his mouth as he stood frozen, a carrot in each hand.

Maya held tightly onto the door frame, "Well don't just stand there! C'mon!"

Lucas quickly scrambled around the kitchen, throwing the carrots into a random cabinet. He pushed himself into their bedroom and grabbed their go-bag. Then, Lucas ran into the entry way where Maya stood waiting with a look of anguish on her face. He would've run right through the door if she hadn't been in front of it.

"Ready?" Maya laughed through the pain.

Lucas panted, a smile forming on his face, "Let's have a baby." He quickly grabbed the car keys off the rack nearly dropping them and fumbled with the door handle. After he managed to open the already unlocked door, Lucas took Maya gently by the arm and swiftly guided her out of their apartment.

As soon as the got the elevator, Maya slipped out of Lucas' grip and kept walking. "Where are you going?!" Lucas shouted.

Maya looked back at him, "I'm not waiting for that damn elevator, I'm taking the stairs." She twisted around, holding her back in pain and continued walking.

"Wha- Maya! You can't do that!" Lucas hollered, rushing after her.

"Watch me!" She called back. And she did. Maya, 39 weeks pregnant, waltzed down four flights of stairs like it was nobody's business.

Lucas nervously opened the passenger door for Maya and helped her in. He then proceeded to try and help her with her seatbelt.

"I got it!" Maya snapped and Lucas quickly pulled his hand away, "Just get in and drive!" He did as he told her and put the key in the ignition.

What Lucas had forgotten was that him and Zay had been listening to Miley Cyrus' Breakout album the last time they were in the car. So of course the volume was turned all the way up when Lucas started the car. He briskly shut it off as Maya glared at him from the passenger seat.

Although Lucas' driving was fine, he was a nervous wreck inside and out. His sweaty palms held tightly at the 10 and 2 position and you would have sworn that he didn't blink even once.

Surprisingly, Maya was the calmer of the two. She sat quietly in her seat with her eyes glued shut.

"Shit." Lucas said not taking his eyes of the road.

Maya exhaled gently, "What's wrong?"

Lucas' already terrified expression grew ten times, "I forgot to turn the stove off... I'm gonna burn the apartment down... Oh my God. Our kid's not gonna have a place to grow up! We're gonna have to live on the streets!"


"I'm so sorry, Maya."


"I'm not even a father yet and I'm already blowing it!"


"Huh?" Lucas shot his head in her direction anxiously.

Maya inhaled and exhaled quickly, "I- I turned it off."

"You did?" his expression contorted from terrified to relief in under a second, "Oh my God." Without any warning, Lucas started to cry. "Thank you- Maya, you're going to be such a good mom. I love you." he mumbled.

Maya turned to him, her eyes wide, "Lucas... Stop crying and just drive!"

He frantically wiped his tears with his sleeve, "You're right. I'm sorry."

The labor went much like the car ride. Lucas was pacing around the room while mumbling things to himself and Maya yelling at him. With a total number of Lucas' fainting seven times and five hours later, a beautiful baby boy.

"Brendon Joseph Friar." Maya looked at Lucas and then back to the precious angel she held in her arms.

"Brendon Joseph Friar." Lucas said smiling at his wife and newborn son. He bent down and kissed them both on the head.

Preview: Maya and Lucas make it their plan to get Riley and Farkle together but their plan fails miserably and it backfires on them. Now they are stuck in a closet at one of Riley's college parties. Of course neither of them will actually confess their feelings. So Riley starts reading Maya's diary and Farkle thinks Lucas could use a bit of help and starts reading their conversations.

hey guys, it's yolucaya. hope you guys enjoyed the first one shot! if you guys have any requests, don't be afraid to leave them in the comments. love you babes!

 love you babes!

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