Riley's sweet revenge➳ Riarkle/Lucaya

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Maya watches Riley and Farkle make a small talk and shakes her head in disbelief, they have liked each other since they were little and still after everything that happened, they weren't together. She turns on her heel as she watches both of them walk away. She searches through the dozens of people that were at Riley and Maya's sorority house for a good party. She finds who she has been looking for and walks over to him. "Maya," He says acknowledging her presence. "Ranger rick I need your help with something," She stares up at him with pleading eyes. He looks back at his friends and nods before walking away with her.

As they found a more deserted place, Maya explains their plan. "So you want to lock them in Riley's closet?" Lucas asks as he eyes the blonde. She nods her head and gushes on how amazing her plan actually is. "You're crazy," He states as he takes another sip from his drink. "Oh come on, you're just jealous you didn't come up with such a genius plan!" She says as she takes his hand in hers and leads them back to the party, trying to find Riley and Farkle. "Yeah that's definitely it," Lucas says as he tries to ignore how her hand fits perfectly in his.

"They wanna lock us in your closet?" Farkle asks as he listens to Riley tell him what their friends are up to. "Mhm," Riley and Farkle had been dating for a few weeks now but were trying to keep their relationship a bit under the radar for certain reasons. "We are going to let their plan backfire right?" he asks his girlfriend. "Of course, do you even know me?" She asks with a sly grin that usually is on Maya's face.

Maya has a smirk plastered on her face as she leads Riley up to her room. She thinks her plan is succeeding while it is actually failing so hard. She opens the closet door and tells Riley that she lost her earing in there somewhere when she was looking for the other pair of heels. But before she can even process that Lucas is in the closet, she is pushed in there too. She tries to open the door by pushing with all her strength but then she hears the clicking sound, signaling that the door is locked. "Well seems like we're going to be stuck here for a while," He states sitting down beside her.

Twenty minutes later, Riley and Farkle re-enter the bedroom, but much to their dismay the pair hasn't confessed their feelings for each other yet. "I think the two of you could use some help," Riley says as she walks over to Maya's bedside table and opens the first drawer. She skims through the first pages and then says aha. Maya already knows what the devil herself is going to read.

Ten pages later and Maya has her face buried in her hands, in an attempt to hide her dark red cheeks. "Oh how I wish his arms would be around me and how I would get the stolen kisses," Riley continues and Lucas looks over to the darkest corner where the girl he liked was sitting. "Come on Riley stop," Lucas pleads and then Farkles voice is heard. "I think Lucas knows what Maya thinks of him now,it's Maya's turn to hear what you think of her now!"

"Oh come on those conversations were personal," Lucas tries as he knocks on the door in attempt to get out. "Dude, do you think she would say yes if I asked her out?" Farkle said, he heard Riley say Oh. "And my personal favorite, I swear if I see that James kid flirting one more time with Maya in my presence, I'll punch him in the face!"

Now both Maya and Lucas' cheeks were painted in a dark shade of pink/red. "So are the two of you still going to deny, you both like each other or what?" Riley asked as she opened the door peeking her head through, allowing a beam of light fall on the pair inside the closet. Maya's head was resting against Lucas' chest and Riley couldn't wipe the smile of her face.

Riley was now known as the love doctor and helped couples around her college. Maya rolled her eyes at the desperate people asking her for advice. "I am a hero, Maya!" Riley exclaimed as Maya slammed her head on the table they were sitting at. "Give her some credit, my beautiful girlfriend!" Lucas said lifting Maya's head to meet his warm smile. Maya turned to her best friend and stood up and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, I love you so much pumpkin!" Riley hugged her friend a little tighter and nuzzled her face in the vanilla scented locks of her blonde best friend. 

And that's how Riley and Farkle set up the best couple, beside them and Cory and Topanga, of the world. In their opinions, although Maya would list them a bunch of other names but Riley doesn't want to listen. She believes that she created the perfect couple. 


 It's prom night and Maya is stuck in bed refusing to go. Of course she wouldn't mind going if it wasn't for Lucas already having a date. Riley convinces her to go but after Lucas is crowned prom king and his date Missy is named prom queen she can't find it in her to stay with her friends. She escapes to the lobby where Lucas finds and comforts her. 


Hello pumpkins, it is I! Princess_Friar, welcome to my day of the week where I take you on random adventures. You'll also read my shitty works on sundays so stay tuned for that! So I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot, and I hope Haley and I can amuse you with our one shots. Love all of you and I hope y'all have an amazing day!! 

 Love all of you and I hope y'all have an amazing day!! 

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