The Meadow's Secrets

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This contest entry is for clarino910   and her contest book! This one was very fun to write!

He finally has stopped in front of a gate. All this trotting around, and sneaking behind mossy branches has grown to be too annoying. I feel as if I've been wandering in circles, trying to understand where he is heading towards. My rich dress is lingering above the grass, splattered with dirt, and displeasing from traveling for so long. My golden hair that compares with my dress, now is fixed on my wet skin, and yet I don't feel a hint of tire.

It's been over an hour, and I still don't understand why William, my own brother, would tour around the woodlands like this? He's never been a nature fellow before, but now that he's at his final destination, I understand. It's not about the misty air or woven path saturated with dew, and lichens. The trees have never called to William like this in the past, and never will, but what we come across is unlike anything this forest has to offer.

An ancient castle stands securely in its spot, verdant green rubbed into its marble texture. Foul creatures quaver around this enfeebled castle. William grips the dusky gate with vines meshed around it a few paces in front of me as I latch onto a tree.  He pauses before allowing himself to nudge it open. 

Before he completely invades the castle's land, WIlliam snoops around to see if the coast is clear. With no one in sight, he advances cautiously deeper through the soil.

I don't move immediately like I should, but grind my lips together in confliction. I don't want to cause trouble, but I do wish to understand why my brother is entering a place that's not his. William isn't known to be a burden.

Without further thought, I hussle toward the gate, gown scrubbing the flat land, and bare feet ice cold from the ground's touch. I don't stop until I reach the gate, and my hands catch the rusty slabs that hold it all in place.

My breath starts to falter at what's casted before me. A sparkling meadow with a variety of flowers consume the area. Butterflies flap in rhythm of sweet peace gracefully in the air. I spy the freshest, greenest grass I've ever known, and I swear I've seen this place before. It's as if I've been transported back into a dream I've had long ago.

I have lost sight of William, but I'm sure I'll find him soon enough, for this place seems not so wide. I'll ask him what brings him here on this perplexing journey. Then we'll reunite once more and head back home, back to Orkney where all our family awaits us.

I slide past the gate and gather my gown in my hands. This is William's favorite dress on me, and it is why I wore it today. I feel my heart ache for the silk. I can only hope now that when we both return, Granny Mildred will make me a new one just as flattering.

I  push my hair behind my ears in irritation, eyes wandering around in search for my dear brother. The meadow's grass leads me to the side of the worn castle, and I overhear a velvet voice coming from that area.

Reaching the corner of the open side, I lean on the castle and peek my head out to make sure it is my brother speaking. In relief and horror, I not only find my brother, but at least twenty grave stones pointing out of the ground to accompany him.

William circles all around them without panic, and I catch a glimpse of his face. I blink once, twice. That cannot be my brother. He looks so much older than the last time I saw him, which was only a day or two ago. His aspect seems vexing and enraged. I then notice a rock in his hand, and he precipitously pelts it at a grave. I wince in dismay. This is not like my brother at all. What has become of him?

"You have left me alone." William growls, crouching down in front of the grave he threw the stone at.

I gradually take a step towards William, only his right side profile in my view.

"Sister, why did you come," His rough voice calls, and I stop in my tracks and open my mouth to respond, but he proceeds to speak "to hate me so!?"

William's head falls to the floor, and as he weeps his body convulses. I rush to his side, bending my knees down, and leaning my face near his, trying to think of proper words to soothe him.

"Oh, dear brother of mine. I cannot nor ever hate you." I coax, my voice pleading. "You are so wonderful, and loving to me. Please, let you not be on this ground any longer. Let us venture back home to Mum and Pop. We can help whatever predicament you're in."

I lift my hand to try and touch him, but he abruptly shudders, and stands. It's like he felt as if an airy mist tried to snake its way into his skin. In worry, my brother rubs his hands over his burning face. His royal blue clothes are stained with dirt and the outdoors just as mine are, and William's hair is sloppy and in need of a cut. He hasn't been taking care of himself, and I feel as if it's all my doing. How can so much happen in the matter of two days? What have I missed?

His voice sounds nasally when he speaks, and his eyes never meet mine. "You're such a chancer, Inez. Thinking you could stop those tea leaves from getting into our home. They weren't just thieves, but you probably didn't know that. You'll never know now." William's lips quiver, and in any moment I wouldn't be surprised if he stumbles back onto the ground again. "They were murderers!" His voice is filled with hatred and I notice him shaking again.

I don't understand what he means. Tea leaves? Murderers? What assumptions have made him think of such a story? I do not recall such an event ever happening. This once more feels like a delusion, something I've lived through before. I glance down at my hands, shockingly more paperwhite, than usual, and I can't explain why or how this is so. William knees back down in front of the stone, closer this time. Why is he getting so close to it? Is  someone we know burried here?

"Please, my sister. My Inez, if you can hear me, let me know that you're okay. I miss you, and love you so!" William begs and I crawl over to him, still so very confused. I'm right here, Can't he see?

"Will! Will look, look! I'm right here, William! I am okay. Look at me. I love you too. Please tell me you can see me?" I beseech, rambling like a child.

I reach for his shoulder, and right when I touch him, the contact isn't there anymore. My hand passes straight through him, and I gape in fear.

William trembles and turns around to face me, hands behind him keeping him upright. He's in shock, frantically speculating the area surrounding him. He really can't see me or hear me, and I can't touch him.

I stop breathing and slowly turn my head to acknowledge the engraving in the stone.

I numbly read the letters and cannot believe it.

Inez Margaret Aitken
1834-1850 RIP

I'm not here anymore.

I'm not real.

I looked back at my brother one last time, whom was still spooked by my oh so freezing touch, and I feel myself disappear into nothing, finally understanding my true place. Death.


*Chancer: Risk-taker
*Tea Leaf: Thief

*Mum: Mother
*Pop: Father

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