Redemption- Chapter 3

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Hey Guys! So I didn't get a lot of Feedback in the last 2 chapters but hey! I figure if it's getting reads then I'm doing okay ;)


He hummed to himself as he dressed for the day, if he was going to do this he needed to have a positive attitude. 

He had received at least 20 missed calls and texts from Kate, it had hurt each time he pressed the ignore button but that hurt soon dried up and fell away after his head reminded him about what she did. 

After victoriously threading each button on his shirt he moved to slip his black loafers on. Castle quickly checked around his hotel room to make sure he didn't forget anything before locking the door behind him. 

He didn't know exactly how long he would be in England, if he decided he liked it he might even have Meredith send Alexis here instead of back to New York. 

Maybe moving somewhere else, England or not would help him get his Wife's memory out of his brain. Ex-wife Rick, she's your ex-wife, his mind reminded him. He made his way outside of the hotel where BlackPawn had a town car waiting for him. 

"Mr. Castle, I'm James your driver." A short African American man smiled at him and tipped his shofer's hat. Rick smiled back, the man was nice, "Nice to meet you." James opened the door for him, gently closing it once Rick was settled in.

 James raised his head and looked at Castle through his rearview mirror, "I'm taking you to the London Publisher's office correct?" Rick nodded, "Yea, that's the address they sent me."

 James nodded, he quickly realized his companion wasn't in the talking mood. Castle pushed up slightly to retrieve his phone from his jean pocket, he sighed in relief when he let himself relax. His fingers dialed his mother's number on the glass pad and the phone soon rang.

 The one person he could always go to without being worried was his mother, it was always just himself and her when he was growing up. Well, when he wasn't at boarding school that is.

 That part of his life always left a small taste of bitterness towards her, he never hated her for it but he did have a right to have some bitterness. After all when you spend 5 years of your life away from the only parental figure in your life you spend many days thinking.

 His thoughts were shaken when a sudden stop from the car screeched. James twisted his body so that he was facing Rick, "Sorry sir, a small accident in front of us, we'll have to take another way." He smiled apologetically. 

Rick nodded, "No worries I still have another hour." Castle assured the other man. 

James nodded and gave him a cheery smile, "Sir if I've learned one thing it's that when you're having a bad day there's one thing you can do about it." James informed. 

Rick scoffed and cast a glance towards the window, "Hide in your room till you feel better?" James chuckled but shook his head, "Eh not exactly, I was gonna say eat your heart out. Always works for me." he winks.

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