Lucious and I decided to meet with Anika. It's a board meeting so she will have to wait until it's over. Lucious was already in the conference room and I was just walking in when Anika walked infront. "Oh sorry Cookie" she said fake gasping as she sat in my seat at the head of the table far across from Lucious as he sat at the other head of the table. I looked around and noticed she took the last seat. A slight smile grew on my face as I planted my eyes on Lucious. "Ooh that's fine with me pumpkin" I said walking over to Lucious.
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The board members knew not to say anything to us, at least if they wanted their job. Plus me and Lucious are the owners of the company. "Hey baby" I said to Lucious as we started the meeting. My man and I were in our own world but no one was paying attention except for Anika's thirsty ass. Since she was staring so hard I decided to give her something to look at. I pushed my ass farther up on Lucious' lap now sitting directly on his dick. I don't know if Lucious knew my intentions to make Anika jealous. He wasn't even paying attention to her. Lucious ran his hand up my inter tight, Anika ass is still looking. I rolled my eyes. "Hmmm" I thought as Lucious rested his hands around my waist close to my thighs, rubbing up and down my sides with his hands. I smiled looking in Anika's direction and grabbed my baby's hand, pushing his hands lower. He gave me a knowing look and ran his hand down stopping at my waist line and looked at me lowering his hand and finding his way up my dress.
Anika POV
I watched Lucious and Cookie as they completely zoned out everyone in the board meeting and was all on each other. Cookie kept smiling at me like the damn joker. I watched as Lucious interacted with her. I can't believe this shit, Lucious is supposed to be MINE. He has the audacity to be with this hoodrat. I kept watching them and a huge smile grew across Cookie' face. She threw her head back into Lucious' chest, biting her lip. I looked and seen she was rocking on his lap and I looked closer to see she was rocking with the rhythm of Lucious' hand. I rolled my eyes and looked away knowing what was happening. "Petty" I said outloud towards a board member but she knew who I was talking to. "Lu" I heard slip her mouth in a whisper but I heard it. "Wow" I said and the room fell silent as everyone looked at me. Cookie giggled as her and Lucious continued there shenanigans. The members turned away from me and continued with the meeting. "Mrs. Lyon" Malcolm called walking into the room "Yes" me and cookie simultaneously called. Malcolm shifted his eyes between the two of us. "Uh, Cookie Lyon" Malcolm said and I smacked my teeth. "I'm coming." she told Malcolm looking at me. "Baby I'll see you later" she said and Lucious licked his lips and let her up. "You know that's very unprofessional" I said and Cookie shot me a glare. "Actually, meeting is over. Boo Boo kitty hurry up so we can get this meeting over with you. I'm tired of looking at you" she told me walking out with Malcolm.
Lucious POV
If only I had my love alone, the things I would do. Anika is started to piss me off. Cookie and I agreed to meet with her today. Cookie walked in my office and took her her seat infront of my desk beside Anika. Usually she would have sat in my lap. "Ugh bitch do you have to sit there" Anika asked but Cookie didn't say anything she just sat there which if you know cookie then you'll know she will have a cocky remark but she sat quietly. "Baby what's wrong" I asked standing up and walking around to her. Cookie balled herself up in the chair not speaking. "C'mon babe" I told her picking her up and carrying her bridal style. "Uh what about our meeting" Anika said standing up. "Figure it out but in the meantime I'm taking Cookie home" I said opening my office door getting ready to walk out. "What about me" Anika yelled behind me. "What about you" I laughed taking Cookie home.
Home No POV
Lucious was home comforting Cookie but she hasn't said a word since the meeting. Malcolm gave her some disturbing news about Vernon. "Baby please just talk to me" lucious told his love. "You know it's funny how people say they have your back but they will be the first one to stab you in it, leaving you wounded and left for dead. Be careful who you trust because theses days there's a thin line between true and false" Cookie told Lucious and turned around falling asleep leaving him confused.
Lucious was to in his thoughts about his woman's words. All he kept asking is what did she mean. Most of all WHO did she mean. The king was up all night thinking about who he could trust but he couldn't find anyone that would betray him. Not even Anika, not if she wanted her life. To Lucious everyone checked out as loyal in his mind. The name of Vernon Turner never crossed his mind but Cookie knew something that the king didn't but before she tells Lucious she wants to take matters into her own hands and get to the bottom of it.