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I stared out on the sandy field watching our school baseball team practice. Looking at one face in particular. The pitcher. Ryan Ross.

George Ryan Ross III to be exact. He's the star of the school, has been since freshman year when he moved here. Probably the best looking, sweetest, most amazing guy in the school.

And I'm kind of in love with him.

I remember when he walked into my algebra class freshman year for the first time. I had no idea who he was, which was weird considering I know everybody in the school. He sat two rows ahead of me. I stared at the back of his head all year.

I don't know what it is but I love that boy.

"Hey lover boy, you ready?" My best friend Jon interrupted my thoughts.

I groaned at the nickname "stop calling me that."

Jon scoffed "The way you stare at Ross all practice? Hell no." He laughed playfully punching my arm.

I may know everybody in the school, but that's only because I've gone here since kindergarten. I only have 2 friends.

"You're lucky I'm your ride home. Because you would have no excuse to be watching the team practice if it wasn't for me." Jon explained as we began walking away from the field.

"I swear he gets more attractive every day." I said hugging my waist.

"You've been saying that since freshman year. Is it true?" he asked me.

"Yes. Freshman year, he was a god. but now, ryans like a golden god." I said lovingly.

"have you even said one word to the guy?" Jon asked pitiful.

I sighed. "I said thank you when he handed me a piece of paper in our chemistry class last year!" I pointed out.

"I swear. you obsess over this kid to the extreme" Jon says making me blush.

"It's called love Jonathan." I say as we approach the parking lot.

"You're 17. You don't know what love is." Jon says getting his keys out.

"And you do?" I ask. That was probably one of my best comebacks.

Jon just shook his head and unlocked the doors. "You're not getting my point Brendon."

At this point, I was getting annoyed. Yes I may be a little obsessed but Jon doesn't need to call me out on anything! Right?!

I look through the windshield while Jon backs out of the parking spot. Ahead of us I spot him. Ryan Ross himself walking to his car. His uniform still on. Tight pants cupped around his perfect ass. His curls poking out of his cap.

Then his girlfriend shows up.

Yes. Helena Vester- I don't even know anymore. She's an Australian exchange student who came in the 5th grade. And her and Ryan have been a thing since he moved here. I've hated her ever since.

And honestly, she's not even that cute. If anything I am a hell of a lot cuter than she is.

"Stop murdering Helena in your mind." Jon says. "It's not going to do anything." he sighed driving off campus.

"I know. But a boy can dream." I shrugged turning on the radio.

"Did you do your history homework?" Jon asked me probably wanting answers.

"What else am I supposed to do at those bleachers besides stare it Ryan?" I ask. "I'll text them to you when I get home." I sigh in defeat.

"Cool. Thanks. Skype call tonight?" Jon asked as he pulled into our neighborhood.

"Of course." I respond

every Tuesday and Thursday, Sarah (my other bestie), Jon, and I have a skype call because we really don't see each other in the day. Those two have been my best friends since 5th grade and I couldn't ask for a better pair of sidekicks.

We pulled up to the first house on the right side of the street (aka my house). I got out of Jon's truck and digging my key out of my jeans pocket.

"See you tomorrow Jon." I yelled as he drove off and down the road to the house on the end of the street where he lives.

I walked in to find the house empty. As usual. Both my parents started working nights about a year ago. And being the only child that I am, my house is usually abandoned by the time I get home.

I found a pot of cooked spaghetti my mom probably cooked before she left. It's sitting on the stove ready for me to eat. I grab a paper plate from the cabinet and began to make my plate. Sitting at the dining table. Alone.

Sure it was nice having the house to myself for once, but after a year it got pretty lonely.

After I finished my spaghetti, I threw away my plate and made my way upstairs to my room. A place where I felt safe and I could talk to my friends in peace.

I sat at my desk and opened my laptop to see my friends are online and I immediately start smiling.

{whoo new book I hope this one turns out good. I had this idea and I thought it'd be really cute :)


don't forget to smile :D


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