t w e n t y

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{A/N: this is where i leave you}

Sunday was a good day. Once again we were all hanging out at my house, (my parents went out to give us some time alone.)

we were all sat in the living room. Jon and Sarah were on my couch and my boyfriend and I were sitting in a chair, and i was on his lap.

"so, it finally happened." Sarah smiled looking at the two of us.

we looked at each other and smiled, "yep." we said in unison.

Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder, "best decision i've made in awhile." he added.

"you two disgust me." Jon laughed putting sunglasses over his eyes. i don't know why he felt the need to do that. it was mid-april. and we're inside.

Ryan released me from his grip and said "get up, i'm thirsty." i was slightly disappointed because i liked where i was positioned, but i got up anyways and let him go.

"want anything?" he asked before leaving. i shook my head.

"damn Ryan, you call yourself a baseball player but you haven't even reached first base with Brendon after two days." Jon smirked.

Sarah did a little 'ooo' and i turned bright red.

"oh yeah?"

Ryan turned to me, took my hand and lifted me up.

i was confused and nervous at the same time.

he winked and me and dipped me down placing his lips on mine.

holy shit.

i didn't pay attention to anything else that was happening. this is the only thing i wanted in life. nothing else.

but i think i heard Sarah squealing?

but as all good things do, the kiss ended and Ryan pulled me back up and released me from his grip.

"and that, ladies and gentleman, is how to do a first kiss." he turned to me and winked.

Sarah and Jon both looked to me, "you okay?"

i felt pale and gooey. i swear i was about to pass out then and there.

"ryan Ross kills me." i whisper sitting back down on the chair.


the next day was Monday, and believe it or not, i was excited. I was excited to show off my new boyfriend to the whole school. I didn't know if he felt the same but he hasn't said anything against it.

He drove me to school that day, i'm sure Jon didn't mind. he needs a break from
me every now and then.

but now it's after school and after baseball practice. i'm standing by the field fence waiting for Ryan while he's changing.

I'm holding his bag and i see him walk up to me and we both smile.

"hi," he says to me before i grab his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss, his hands rest on my waist.

the kiss breaks and i hand him his duffle bag. he takes it graciously, slinging it around his shoulder with his strong muscles looking so good.

that boy is mine.

our hands find each other and we're walking to the parking lot when he says , "so i wanna ask you something."

i get a hint of nerves, but i let it slide and say "shoot." but i quickly ask "is it about prom?"

Ryan laughs but adds a quick "no" afterwards. i was a little disappointed but i let him continue.

"prom is just a little too cheesy for me." he begins, "but similar to that.. there will be a baseball banquet in a couple of weeks and we're allowed to bring dates." he looks to me and smiles.

"and i was just wondering if you'd so graciously let me take you.. as my boyfriend." we get to his car and he turns so he's facing me. he grabs both of my hands.

I hold his hands and blush a deep red, "of course. i would love to go with you." he holds my waist and turns me around. Now he's gently pushing me against the hood of the car kissing me. it's a deeper kiss than usual but i'm not complaining.

Our moment is interrupted by Jon laughing and saying, "all right love birds, break it up." dammit Jon.

"Sarah's waiting for us at the movie theatre." Jon laughed throwing his bag in the bed of his truck that was parked next to Ryan's car. Sarah was gonna meet the three of us at a movie this afternoon. We didn't know why we wanted to do this on a Monday but we had it planned.

"We'll see you there Jon." Ryan says unlocking the doors letting me into the passenger seat.

"later losers." Jon saves us off as he gets in his own vehicle.

Ryan started driving and I was busy texting Sarah, telling her we'd be there soon.

As soon as i set my phone down in my lap Ryan grabs my hand and locks our fingers. he likes holding my hand. he says it's very holdable, that's why. I guess it's because I have small hands, but i don't understand. I let him at it anyways though.

He doesn't say anything after he grabs my hand, but after awhile he brings the back of my hand up to his mouth and kisses it. We're at a stop light and Ryan ruins the pleasant silence when he says, "You have no idea how in to you I actually am." he holds my hand to his chest and looks at me lovingly.

I smile and blush looking down at my lap, then back up to him. "I think i have an idea.." and with that, the light turns green and Ryan starts to drive off.

and at this moment, i don't think I could be any happier.

{A/N: epilogue or no?.}

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