Ariel Legends, a 21 year old famous youtuber who sings for over 5 million subscribers. But she wanted more. She wanted to become a celebrity. All she wanted in life was to sing for a huge crowd. That's what she lived for. And dreamed for.
When she is given the chance to sign a record with Fiereny Records, she makes the most of it.
But, there is only one condition. She has to be in a duet group.
Meet Xander Ash, an arogant and 21 year old man. He sings like an angel, but is truley a devil. He only has things go his way, no exceptions. But, when he too gets the chance to sign a label with Fiereny Records and is paired up with Ariel, will he change himself or make Ariel's life terrible?
All she wants to do is, Sing... will Xander let her do it? Or will he ruin Ariel's life?
Status- {Taken by OodlesOfNoodles46}