Baby steps

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   Kali'Mere stared at herself in the mirror as she had just got settled in her new home. It was little on the bougie side...I mean from a three bedroom beat up ran down apartment to a 4 bedroom palace this was way out of Kali's league. Kali was a very simple girl, she had a bubbly spirit well that was before her bad break up with a guy name West.
West was a good guy very well put together very high maintenance. He was older than Kali and came from a better living environment than what she was use to. Kali had no intentions on falling head over hills for him but she did.! Kali enjoyed their relationship because sex wasn't a factor.

    They had dated for two years and never had sex and til this day she still don't know what sex with him is like, but if it was something like his communication than she know she would of had the best sex of her life.

    See West and Kali stayed in each other presences, they would talk from sun up to sun down. Even when he came over they'll cuddle and talk all night. Sex wasn't on their minds what so ever. It was the conversations that gave them that intimacy they needed.

   West had his major flaws though which caused MAJOR problems in their relationship. He was low key insecure he always thought Kali had guys lined he wasn't calling her a hoe,but he knew he was older and Kali was a fine young woman. Long straight hair that was jet black but now is a lighter cherry shaded red. Big bold dimples and the most smoothest honey brown skin. Her curves were flawless B-cup breast with a juicy booty to match. She's amazing now and that put West on the edge.

    Things started falling out of place. They would argue about silly things  and it would lead Kali all emotional. Kali still didn't understand why they ended. The day they departed there was no arguments...they still had love for each other. They just woke up and went their separate ways ,and because there was no closure  the love that Kali still has for him she don't think no man in the word can make her forget him.  Her heart craves for him daily but she know they would never be.

  "Are you all settled in Kali'Mere Renea?" her dad asked as he walked into the room.

Kali' turned her head and nodded as she sat down on her floor that was covered in a mint green furry rug.

"I hope you like the room. I know its way bigger than the old one but I tried my best to make it like the old one." Kali said nothing as she admired the room. She loved it by far and her two favorite colors went well together! The Grey settled the mint green.

"I love it dad... Its out of my league but I love it."

"Good I was worried...I  know I use to have you figured out to the "T" but now well..."

"I know I've changed." She said as she pulled her knees to her chest resting  her chin. "Im sorry dad I am..."

"Its fine sweetie you'll come around." Her dad said smiling as he turned around to leave.

"Hey pops!?" Her dad instantly stop he haven't heard that name in 2 years.

"Do you think about Jase?" Kali'Mere asked.

"All the time. He was my only son. Yess I think about him every day."

" I miss him so much! I can see him now, walking into this big house screaming and ma telling him to calm his butt down. We waited on this moment but its like I cant even enjoy it because he's not here." Kali said staring out of space.

"Well try to enjoy it honey because its what he wanted." Her dad said looking at her

"What do you mean?"

"The week before he got murder he came in the house one night and i was up. We sat down at the kitchen table for hours talking about life and then we got on my job. He told me to take the promotion because a better life for you is what he dreamed of. This room was his idea the long windows so you could see the rain falling the whole set up was something he came up with. I know I was suppose to been had my family out the hood maybe Jase would still be here."

"Pops you did the best you could. And with the way we set up here you did dern good!"

"Thanks baby. Oh yea I signed you up to take an art and poetry  class. I know how much you love it plus its something you can do while both your mom and I are at work. You can pick your own schedule. They have morning and night classes. The class starts in three days." Her dad explained as he pulled an ad out of his back pocket.

  Kali'Mere grabbed the paper and studied it before getting up and giving her dad a kiss before he left the room.

"I'm going to try my best Jase to make you proud." She said as she grabbed her sketch book and began her therapy before going to bed. 

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