fresh air

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  It was a little after eleven when I walked down stairs. The house was quiet so i knew my parents had went to work already. I grabbed a banana off the coffee table and begin eating it as I noticed a note.

  GoodMorning  sweetie your breakfast is in the oven I know u probably wont touch it. I don't get off til 8 and your father might spend the night at the office due to his big presentation tomorrow he want to make a good first impression. I left a few bucks on the kitchen table maybe you can go to the mall or something. I even googled the address for you. My keys are hanging up by the front door. I love you sweetie. Ps try to have fun remember smile more worry less! See you later !

  I sat the letter back down and made my way into the kitchen. Grabbing the money off the table and counting it i was a little shocked she left me three hundred bucks. I didn't bother looking in the oven because I don't like to eat preheated breakfast. It taste weird to me.

It took me a little over an hour to get dress and drag myself out the door to do something. Looking at the paper I took my phone and mapped quest the mall.

A little shopping could do me some good.


Kali' visited most of the stores in the mall just to kill time. She was amazed at how different LA was from Chicago. It was more alive more upscale. 

  She had bags from Victoria Secret, Champs and more. She walked toward the food court when she felt a slight pain. She knew she had to grab a bite to eat. So she decided on subway.

"Hi may I help you?" a sweet voice spoke from behind the counter. Kali put her phone away and looked up when the voice gave her chills.

She stared at the person for a minute before the woman behind the counter spoke once again.

"Do you know what you want?"

"Umm Im sorry, can I have a steak and cheese on wheat bread." Kali felt herself heating up at how she just embarrassed herself.

"Any drink or chips?"

"Yea I'll do a medium coke and two chocolate chip cookies."

Kali couldn't take her eyes off the woman has she handed her a 20 dollar bill.  Kali brain shook when the girl handed back her change and touched her hand.

  Kali was confused at the affect she was having for this girl. She shook it off as the girl gave her the items.

  "What the fuck was that!" Kali said out loud as she made her way home.


Kali sat in her bed as she stared out the window. She still was puzzled at the event that took place earlier that day. Kali had never felt that feeling before especially when it came to another female. She never even thought about relations with a female or any person of that matter. West was her first and her last and she knew her heart still had his name on it no matter how long its been. Kali glanced at the wet ink in her note pad  before she closed it and allowed her sleep to take over.

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