I noticed I've written about you carrying Dan or Phil's baby but not writing about your first kiss so here it is...
You were on your 3rd date with Dan, he seems pretty cool...you have the same sense of humour, he's kind, considerate and all round a really nice guy.And how he does YouTube, it's so cool! You would love that job and You think it's amazing how popular he is.
It's a mystery why he'd wanna go on 3 dates with you (lolz not being mean no hard feelings) when he's got girls screaming when he posts a new video (*cough* whaaaat...?) but You really like him already.
You were at a gaming centre guess you guys share common interests, you were just about to play laser tag,
"Do you wanna be on the same team?" Dan asked "of course!" You answered a bit to excited... "sweet were gonna crush the other team." Dan said with great enthusiasm, (That was cringe Dan...wait I'm writing this)
You both get the equipment on and your 'laser guns' you stepped into the 'arena' (psh calm down it's not the hunger games) you stayed close to Dan most the time, on your team was this guy called Tyler (Tyler Oakley) Zoe (Zoella) and Alfie (Pointlessblog) on the other team was Caspar (Caspar lee) Joe (ThatcherJoe ) Phil (AmazingPhil) Cat (Catrific) Louise (sprinkle of glitter) (yes okay all these youtubers are at the exact same Gaming center, all at the exact same time, on the exact same day... The power of Fan fiction) it was about 3 mins into the game and you Dan and Tyler where in a little group together, you guys were back to back waiting for a sneak attack... You were prepared!
Zoe and Alfie ran of somewhere else so you guys decided to stick together.
Suddenly you heard light feet tip toeing behind an obstacle, you think it's Joe but your not sure... "Did you guys hear that?" You questioned to your little trio you formed... "The feet walking across the floor?"Dan questioned "Yeah..." You answered whispering.
"I heard it" Tyler answered "same" Dan said finalising his question, "should we go check it out?..." You asked " I dunno seems risky..." Tyler stated "come on Tyler, it's 3 against 1" Dan answered "screw it I'm going!" You said running behind the big obstacle you assumed the sound was generating from, "No, Y/N!" Dan said as you fell to the ground dramatically...
As you laid with your back to the ground Joe ran away and Tyler followed him close behind,
Dan ran up to you..."Avenge me..." You said as your head laid on the floor, you were trying to be dramatic, obviously.
"I will..." Dan said over dramatically suddenly Dan gripped the back of your head and pulled you up to his face, he then smashed his lips onto yours.
Your lips Mould together perfectly...until he pulled away,
"Now I shall leave!" He said running of into the direction Tyler ran off in,He is truly something special.
You sat silently on your sofa as Phil played flappy bird beside you,
"Hey Philly?"
"yes Y/N?" he questioned curious as to what you had to say.
"can we go down to Starbucks real quick, i didn't have my coffee this morning" you said as you yawned.
"yeah of course, i had mine but i can have another one right?" he said asking for your opinion

Dan and Phil imagines & preferences
FanfictionImagines and Preferences about two British boys named Dan and Phil. I update here n there or whenever I get inspiration, Hope you enjoy!