Takeuchi's Paycheck

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Gwen ran deeper into the forest. "Why was Kyo acting so weird?! He never acts like that." She yelled. "What am I doing? I can't always run away from my problems. I should go back." Gwen turned around and walked back.

She climbed up to the roof. "Hey Kyo........?" He wasn't there. She walked into the house. "Uh hey Tohru? Have you seen Kyo anywhere?" Gwen asked her sister. "Hi Gwen! Um Kyo was walking up to his room when I saw him." Tohru answered."Thanks!" Gwen ran upstairs.

Gwen's POV
I ran upstairs and to Kyo's room. "Hey Kyo. Could we talk...........?!?!?!" I was surprised to see Kyo kissing another girl after we only broke up an hour ago. "W-who's t-this?!" I asked. "Oh Gwen. I didn't hear you come in. Anyway this is Akemi. My girlfriend."

"A-akemi?!?!!?!!?!???!!??" I almost lunged at her. "What are you doing here, Miss. Head cheerleader?" I asked. "Oh so you do remember me?" Akemi said. "Of course I remember you. How could I forget a girl who made my boyfriend break my heart." I said.

"Anyway how did you find a girlfriend so fast Kyo? Did you pick her up off the street?" I asked. "Actually Akemi's been my girlfriend for a month." Kyo said. "W-what?!?! I thought I was your girlfriend." I screamed. "Did you really believe I'd date a girl like you?" Kyo said.

"I just thought, That was your first mistake, you thought. I don't want you to think about us ever again. We were never anything and don't you forget that!" Kyo pushed me out of his room. "N-not again! What is wrong with me!" I screamed.

Five minutes later

"What's wrong Gwen?" Yuki asked. I was crying in front of Kyo's door. "Nothing." I said. "Why are you crying then?" He asked. "I told you nothing!" I yelled. Yuki looked a little shocked.

"Oh sorry Yuki. It's just.....Kyo. I mean he's acting different, would you say so?" I asked. "He hasn't asked for a fight in a while but I thought that was because of you." Yuki said.

I cried even harder. "S-sorry!" Yuki said. "N-no Yuki don't apologize. Kyo didn't really like me. It's my fault. I'll just leave." I looked at Yuki and smiled. "Hey Yuki?" I said while getting up. "I'll never forget you." I kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks."

I grabbed my stuff and told Tohru I was going to go lived with our aunt and uncle. I walked out of the Sohma house and for once, I wasn't coming back.

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