Chapter one

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We've been sitting on this roof for quite the while now. It's hotter than hell and we haven't made any progress so far and from what it looks like, we are just going to starve to death up here. I keep "faith" because that's what Glenn insists we all do, but shits really starting to hit the fan and I mean it. We were supposed to be in and out of the city, quick, but the walkers are extremely... bold today and didn't miss out on the chance of cornering us into a small department store. 

I didn't realize I zoned out until I heard Glenn's voice, sounding very muffled and far away. I realized he was pointing down toward the street and going on about something I completely missed, but seemed to be pretty important.

"Lina, what the hell, are you even listening?" He raised his voice a bit. "Come look at this." He again points down at the busy with walker streets. This time, they weren't just marching around with no purpose. There was one gigantic group surrounding who knows what and a few stragglers under and on top of the army tank that sat in the middle of downtown Atlanta. "Give me the walkie, there's someone in the tank."

"What?" I was still completely clueless to what was going on right now.

Glenn then snatched the walkie talkie from my bag and spoke into, flipping through channels, trying to make a connection with whoever he thought was in the tank. Personally, I'm thinking the heat is starting to get to him, because who the hell would've been able to outrun all them geeks down there and make it into the tank. "Hey, you. Dumbass. Yea, you in the tank."

I still couldn't believe it, "Glenn let me talk." I say rushing him, becoming aware of the on coming geeks as I'm still looking down at the street. "Hey, you still alive?" I really hope Glenn isn't losing his shit.

"Hello, hello!"

"Oh good, I was beginning to wonder," I cackle looking up at Glenn, a smile spreading widely across my face. "You cozy in there? You sound pretty familiar, guy." I manage to utter before Glenn snatched the walkie from my hands.

"Listen, you need to make a run for it. Exit the tank to the right, keep running that way. There should be an alley about... 50 yards to the right." Glenn speaks to the survivor the turns to me. "Be there." He spoke one last time into the walkie before speaking to me. "I'm going to meet him down at the alley, keep the walkie. If he hesitates, convince him." He starts for the ladder that leads down into the alley, but doesn't start climbing until turning to me once more and stating. "Please listen for me, I'll scream if we need help."

I just nodded and watched Glenn climb down through the scope of my gun, trying to make his path as clear as possible. I don't even know why we are doing this, Glenn likes to think the more the merrier, but in this situation, we are just trying to get the hell home and I don't know if someone who is dumb enough to ride into the city by themselves and get stuck inside a tank is someone we should be rescuing and having to look out for. Once Glenn was down, I moved from the ladder to an area on the roof with better vision of the street and the path the guy from the tank will be taking. 

Of course they make it back up the ladder with barely a second to spare, but after they made it up the first ladder, the stood on the platform for a minute or two. Whatever they were doing probably wasn't anything but catching their breaths but it started to make me very impatient. I paced back and forth and few times before gathering all the bags we had set on the roof, making sure we didn't leave anything valuable, especially ammo and batteries. I had my back turned too busy gathering our things and zipping up the bags when boys the guys reached the roof, so Glenn called my name.

"You're gonna like Lina. Hey, Lina, say hi to Rick." Without a thought, I turned and stood up in order to shake the man's hand. 

"You sure are lucky as hell." I said before I officially caught a glimpse of his face and his attire... and even before I registered his name. It didn't take more than a second for me to realize the person standing in front of me was my brother. My supposedly dead brother. I didn't move an inch or bat an eye for at least a whole minute, I couldn't physically do anything other than stare and that's exactly what Rick did as well. My older brother, that was supposed to be dead a month ago is once again standing in front of me and I have no clue how to handle the situation or myself. The thoughts running through my mind are unbelievable, just like what is happening right now. I moved a hand up to put on Rick's face as a tear fell from my eye and my mouth hung open unknowingly. No word ever left my mouth, I just touched his face in complete awe and stood there. 

Glenn broke the silence by bumping in, "Did I miss something?" but still neither of us moved. 

After another minute of taking each other in and finally coming to terms with the fact that neither of us were hallucinating, we embraced each other and panted like we had been holding our breaths the entire time. This was just so incredible, I was forced to believe my brother died in that hospital and that was it. I could go on and on about how Shane lied to not only me, but Rick's wife and son, but I chose to take in every moment I have now with my brother. 

"Glenn, this is Rick, my brother." I said once we let go of one another and wiped my eyes of any tears.

"No kidding," He laughed, finding it as hard to believe as me. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Rick. We gotta get movin' though, guys,"

I again nod, "Yeah, alright. Follow me." I lead the two men to the fire escape that went down into the building we were currently standing on top of, next to the department store with our group that was waiting for Glenn and I. 

We make our way to the alley and walkie Morales and T-Dog to take care of some walkers who must've gotten lost following the madness. Before I could even throw my bags down and catch my breath, Andrea pushes Rick against the wall and pulls a gun on him. I immediately drop my bags and point my gun at the back of her head.

"Son of a bitch, we ought to kill you." Andrea says through clenched teeth.

"Chill out, Andrea." I say, not sure if she knows about the gun pointed at her from behind.

"You're kidding me, right? We're dead because of this stupid asshole." She talks back, bravely catching an attitude. 

"Well it sure is fortunate that stupid asshole is my brother huh?" I mouth back, raising an eyebrow and taking my gun off safety. "I'll shoot you right here, Andrea. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." 

Andrea dropped her gun in defeat, backed away and continued to speak, "We're dead... all of us, because of you." pointing at Rick.

Once Andrea wasn't a threat anymore, I as well dropped my gun and focused on setting my bags in the correct place, again making sure I had everything I needed. Everyone started making their way out to the main part of the department store, so I followed behind with Rick. 

"I don't understand, why is everyone so upset." Rick looked to me as we walked further and further.

"Well, we wanted to make a trip into the city, to scavenge." I paused, "Trips to scavenge are supposed to be quiet, getting in and getting out makes it pretty easy, especially being that it's a bit crowded here in the city. You didn't necessarily help by popping off rounds like it was the O.K. corral." I again paused and looked at him, waiting for a reaction but he still held a confused look. "But hey, don't worry, we were already stuck in here. You just made it... worse." I smiled.

Before I could continue, we stepped into the main part of the store to notice how crazy it actually got outside of the locked glass doors. More walkers than I can count all pounded on the glass, trying to break their way into the store. One found what seemed to be a brick and started beating the glass even harder and cracks now became visible. We all stepped back a bit and remained silent.

"The hell were you doing out there, anyways." I asked Rick as he stared wide-eyed at the amount of walkers at the door.

"Trying to flag down the helicopter." He said and everyone including myself was amazed.

"Helicopter?" Glenn asked.

"You were out there chasing a damn hallucination." Morales added as well. Unfortunately he was right, if there was a helicopter, Glenn and I would've heard it.

"Listen, I saw it." Rick spoke like he'd never been so sure about something in his life.

Once again, conversation was cut short by gun shots? 



And we back :-P okay but these versions are gonna be a bit longer and have more detail because like I said, I really can't stand how this story was published before. Thank you again for your patience and please please please continue to read this story and make sure to comment if you have any questions.

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