Chapter two

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We all pushed our legs up the stairs leading to the roof, where rounds were being popped off frequently. As the huge metal door was swung open, T-dog began scolding Merle.

"Dammit, Merle! What the hell are you doing?!" He says charging towards the oldest Dixon brother. "Come on man, you're wasting ammo we don't even got!"

"Oughta' be more polite to a man with a gun." Merle says slyly walking toward T-Dog. "And taking orders from you gonna be the last thing I do." He finished with a devious smirk. Almost like he was trying to make T-Dog upset. Well, that is what he's like.

T-Dog tried to lay a punch on Merle, which was unsuccessful when Merle dodged it. Merle then swings back at T-Dog, causing him to hit the ground. Rick makes an attempted at helping T-Dog, but turned into a failure when Merle also punched him in the face.

When Rick hit the ground I came to aid at his side, by the time he got up and was reassuring me he was fine, Merle was done pounding into T-Dog and was declaring he was the "leader" of the group now. By the looks of it, and it was pretty obvious, no one was pleased with what he had to say. Rick grabbed the gun off the ground that Merle had dropped only moments ago and run at Merle. Before he could suspect anything, Rick hit him in the face with it, sending him crashing into the ground. Rick wasted no time, pulling out his handcuffs and dragged him over to some pipes and locking him there. Good riddance. 

"Who are you?" Merle yelled, trying to pull his hands out from the cuffs.

Rick fired back, "Officer Friendly."

I made my way over to the group, T-Dog more specifically to make sure he was okay. With only a few scratches and a busted lip, he assured me he would be fine.

Rick and Merle exchanged in a heated conversation which I wasn't too worried about, one one was. I leaned over the side of the roof, looking down into to the street, seeing the hundreds, even thousands or geeks just waltzing around. There really was no easy way out of here. I didn't even notice Glenn was next to me until he spoke up. 

"You gonna tell him about Lori and Carl?" He didn't look at me.

"I don't think now is the best time, Glenn." I said lowly so no one else could hear. "When we get out pf here, he'll be able to see for himself."

"Yea," He pushed off the siding of the roof, "when."

Glenn and Rick change places as Rick now stood next to me glancing down at the busy streets.

"What're we gonna do officer friendly?" I asked without looking anywhere else but below us. "Them streets ain't safe."

"What about under the streets?" He looked to me.


"Rick are we really doing this right now?" Glenn says petrified.  

Rick just gives him a sorrow look and starts hacking at the already put down walker from earlier. 

"I'm going to puke," He once again speaks, covering his mouth and taking a few steps backward. Rick just keeps tearing open the blood covered monster.

"None of this gets on your skin or in your eyes, we don't know what kind of risk it'd be." Rick says disgusted. He then rubs guts and blood all over himself. Not wasting time, everyone begins rubbing the same shit all over Glenn and I. I close my eyes and try not to breath so much due to the horrid stench of the dead. Rick is also trying to fight off the unbearable smell. Glenn.. well he's not taking it too well.

Shortly after, Rick, Glenn and I were being escorted out of the department store by Morales and T-Dog. 

"Good luck." Morales says before they both run back inside and we are left on our own. The three of us slowly crawl from under the bus barricading the department store alley. The geeks don't seem to notice us as we are covered with the awful disguise. The plan was to get to the gated construction site, Rick insisted that keys were always kept on site. There was a truck that we could us to haul everyone out of here, hopefully. Although it seemed that we had everything worked out, we still needed a distraction to be able to get the truck to the department store. We figured we would just make that up as we go.

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