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Aphmau's pov

Can Fc ever be quiet?!He mocks me waaaaaay more than Truck does!Oh,wait speaking of which I need to see him soon.We haven't talked ever since we met at his home island and we need to talk about my....vanishing problems.I haven't had them recently but it would be nice to know,I don't like to have a bad time.


I didn't answer him,I just kept wondering about my weird problems.So I kept a straight face and didn't answer.After that he got frustrated and I just decided to leave.Call me bipolar but when I stayed there I felt like I was on my period,but when I went outside I felt happier and not like a 13 year old girl on her period.

After a while I decided it was time to go to the party.Its not like I wanted to or anything!I just simply had nothing to do.When my tsundere moment was gone,Fc just happened to be there staring at me (or at least I think,I can't see his face,he has a bandana)for a long time.If he wanted to play this game,fine.I just started to stare at his bandana and he said;

"I wanna swim"

When those three words came out I started to have memories...,memories I need to give up on.People and dreams I had to give up on.

~we can gaze into da pass-

Flash back


'In here sugar pea!',my "poppa" said.

While I was running I didn't see my poppa and ran into him.I was giggling all the way because momma said we were gonna do something and I can choose!Isn't that exciting?!

'Oof,Be careful sugar pea.',He said.

'So what in the name of Irene do you want to do today?',asked my "momma".
While she was talking she was making my favorite breakfast,
Bacon,eggs,and chocolate chip pancakes.YUM!!

'I wanna swim today!'I said in pure happiness and joy.

'You wanna what?!',asked my "parents" while holding they're ear.

'SWIIMM~'I yelled in a exciting way.

We all shared a group hug and momma told me to change into my bathing suit.

End of flash back



I was going to cry until Fc grabbed me by my waist,And I was totally not blushing.He then threw me into the cold,wet,river.When my skin got in contact with the water, the more vulnerable I felt.While I'm thinking about my flash back,I'm having some problems to float,I mean I did almost get smashed by a tree, so I am kinda tired.


Thats when it hit me like a fucking Minebus,I was drowning,my flash back didn't consists anything about me learning to swim.But this felt different from what I'm feeling,I feel like I'm drowning,not physically, Emotionally and mentally.


I got scared when a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me onto water.I actually like it.

"S-SH-SHU!!DON'T DO THAT!YOU LEGITIMATELY SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OTTA ME!!"Fc said.I shooked my head and started giggling softly at his over protective self

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