He Said No

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Josh's POV (Three Weeks Later. This will be the last Time jump for a while I promise. Sorry about all that but I needed to move time along.)

I felt bad for Gabe and Kylie having to put up with me for the past three weeks. I mean it was for selfish reasons on Simon's side but it was annoying having to walk that little distance between our homes just to record each day.I have a new found respect for Preston who travels every day to his office to record. Speaking of.

Josh: "I have a newfound respect for you having to travel each day to your office."

Preston: "Vik's been keeping us all updated with what's going on. Simon seems like he's being a massive dick about this."

Josh: "He has been.Did Vik tell you why I am staying with them?"

Preston: "Nope he just told us you have been with those guys and said you offered your bed for Kay's friend."

Josh: "Half and half,He's been in my bed but I didn't offer. Simon's jealous as fuck of Hamas and Gabrielle getting along. He thinks Hamas will try and take him after he finally likes a guy or starts to have feelings for someone after all this time. I only agreed to it because I know what Simon can be like and honestly. I'd be scared of him when he sets his mind to something."

Preston: "Well damn that uh... That's a thing. Do you want me to get Mitch or Rob to talk to him about what he's going through? Even Lachlan perhaps?"

Josh: "Why those three?"

Preston: "Well Rob and Mitch are bisexual and I think Lachlan is Asexual or Pan one of the two. They might be able to help him out and hopefully make him come to his senses and stop acting like a douche."

Josh: "Not going to lie I've known you for a few years. I think that's the meanest thing I've ever heard you say."

Preston: "You should have heard me when Vik tried to leave the Pack. Holy hell I don't think he will ever forgive me for that."

Josh: "It's up to you. If you want to let them know or shoot me their details and I'll speak to them it's quite alright. But anything helps I guess."

Preston: "Well I won't say anything to them because this is a SideMen thing. But I'd be happy to help you out with all three."

Josh: "Oh we have Lachlan don't worry about that. He's here that fucking often he might as well be a bloody SideMen."

Preston: "It would never happen and we both know it. Alright I'll send through now. Tell Vik I said hi when you see him next."

Josh: "Will do. See you later Preston."

I put my phone back into my pocket as I noticed Gabe coming into my room with a tray of food.

Josh:"I'm not sick."

Gabe:"I know. It's a platter of I'm sorry for putting up with us."

Josh:"Shouldn't I be the one saying sorry to you guys for putting up with me?"


Josh:"You don't make breakfast?"

Gabe:"I've not eaten breakfast for years. As for not making her any. I only make it for guests or if I fucked up. She makes her own anyway.It's the only time I let her in the kitchen."

Josh:"Let her?"

Gabe:"We joke about it still being the female in the kitchen because I'm gay but I'm really picky with what happens. Where everything goes and how we cook. I end up taking over anyway. I tried to not even be at the house but I still rang her and took over."

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