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Butterflies were fluttering in my knotted stomach underneath the stretchy white material of my t-shirt.

Today was the day, finally after that gruelling month of waiting patiently for this humid, buggy afternoon on August 7th it is finally here.

My phone sent music bouncing off the white walls and making the otherwise silent and barren house feel more lively, but not by much.

"Hello." I tried to control my voice despite my excited attitude and jittery instincts.

"Noelle, are you ready?" My two poor friends Sam and Quinn were guilted into going with me. None of my friends love them the way I do, Sam and Quinn were the only ones who had been nice enough to finally agree to sit through it with me.

"Yes, just about. Are you here already?" I peeked out from behind my black curtains and through the window saw Sam's shiny red corolla parked out by the curb. His messy reddish-brown hair was visible trough the small window.

"Yeah, but take your time. The concert doesn't start for another, what? Two hours? And the stadium is only 30 minutes away." His breath elongated as he took a long sigh, I watch as he ran a freckled hand through his mane, a sign that indicated he was becoming distraught.

"You know you and Quinn can come inside, if you want to." I offer as I finish off my messy braid with the floral bow. I didn't want to look as if I tried to hard and dumped makeup on my ivory skin, so I went for the more natural and boho look.

"Are you going to be much longer?" His tone was impatient, he always had a short temper. Something I had learned to deal with, yet sometimes it was a nuisance.

"No Sam. I just need to grab my purse and shoes and I will be out." I sighed and click the end button to silence his complaining, I will not let him put a damper on the wonderful event.

My hands were shaking as I attempted to pull on my pink toms, this is really happening. I am going to see the five people I had admired since they first walked onto the small stage of the X Factor.

The thought was unreal, my dreams were coming true right before my very eyes. Not to mention the fact I would be sitting in the 'pit', if I was lucky and everything went like the fan fictions, they would notice me and give me their numbers. One of them would fall in love with me, and we would start dating.

I shook the ridiculous thoughts from my head, those are only things I read in stories. Fiction. Which means its not real and it most likely never will be.

My jean jacket rested on my shoulders and I was finally ready to leave for the place I had been dreaming of for the past month.

I made sure to lock the heavy door before sprinting to the vehicle sitting out on the black asphalt. Quinn's tan body was occupying the passenger seat so I climbed into the back.

"Excited?" Quinn's high-pitched giggle sounded as she turned around and observed me as I basically bounced with excitement on the plush seat.

"Maybe." My smile could've cracked my face in half it was so wide. Nothing could ruin this for me, it had to be both psychically and mentally impossible!

"Well we have a half an hour ride ahead of us so try and calm down before you traumatise someone." Sam's dimpled smile was visible in the rearview mirror along with his ocean bluish-green eyes.

I tried to take the advice my ginger friend had given me, but by the time Sam was searching the black asphalt parking lot for a spot, I was still hyped up and ecstatic to see the boys perform live.

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