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But I did. The proof was right in front of me as he started to swipe off brown droplets from his now stained t-shirt. More proof was found as I found my styrofoam cup now spilling out the remaining coffee onto the concrete.

"I-I am so sorry!" My brain finally realised I had to say something, anything, otherwise I'd look like a blithering idiot!

I bent down and picked up the empty cup, and came back to face the guy I just spilled my drink on.

Expecting a rant on how I just ruined his favourite shirt or something like that, at least a scowl, it was a surprise to see his world-wide known smile.

My stomach twisted in knots and as I opened my mouth to say sorry once again, as he did the same.

"Please don't apologise, it's fine love. I'm Harry." He stuck out his rather large hand as a gesture for me to shake it, which I did with a hint of my starstruck shining through.

"I'm Noelle. I really am-" A very shrill and unfriendly voice cut me off, before I could finish my damn sentence, of course.

"What the hell did you do?" She shoved random people out of her way to reach the drenched singer, still balancing the carton of coffee cups in her one hand, and to come confront me.

"I-It was an accident!" I let go of his hand, backing away to get further away from the annoying blonde.

"Accident my ass! You just wanted an excuse to talk to Harry Styles!" She pointed a red manicured finger at me accusingly, almost poking my eye out with her claw.

"No! I just wasn't paying attention! It's not like that!" I tried to convince her it was just me being clumsy, even through the bubble working its way into my throat as tears pushed to escape and roll down my cheeks made it very difficult.

"Oh really!" She opened her thin lips to do some more accusing but thankfully, his raspy voice chimed in.

"Carli that's enough, you're hurting the poor girl's feelings. It was only an accident, don't get your granny panties in a bunch." I had to hold back giggles as I watched her jaw drop in both embarrassment and anger.

"Don't mind her Noelle, she always has a stick up her ass." I gasped along with the angry manager, shocked at his statement. "How about I make it up to you sometime? If you would give me your number we could go out to dinner yeah?"

I swear this is a dream, there is no other way that this celebrity that smelled of mint, chocolate (and coffee), and his perfect dimples and luscious curls was asking me, a complete nobody who had just spilt scalding coffee on him, out to dinner.

Be strong.

"Eh. I-I'm awfully sorry Harry I have a-a boyfriend." Its as if I have gone completely insane since yesterday. Where in bloody hell did this lie even come from?

I must be completely mentally diseased, because I almost swear I saw a flicker of disappointment behind his emerald iris's.

But I'm only delusional.

Because five seconds later, his smirk stretched and he took a step closer to my comparably small frame.

"Oh really? What a shame. Well hopefully next time I run into you, he won't be an issue yeah?" Maybe I am just a really bad liar, because its as if he's taunting me. I can hear it in his thick british accent, and see it in the amusement behind his smirk.

"Uh. I-I should really be going now. Sorry about your shirt." I scuttled away from his intimidatingly muscular figure and back towards the brick house at the end of the road.

"Bye Noelle!" Still the amusement carried through his tone as he shouted at me from 10 yards away, stupid action on his part because a swarm of both little kids and teenager girls started crowd around him and the annoying fake blonde suck-up of a manager.


Do I tell Quinn? Sam?

Just yesterday, Quinn gave me some "tough love" and basically told me to never even look at their faces again, and I was going to tell her that the Harry Styles just asked me out to dinner? I don't think so.

Sam, as much as I love him, wouldn't give half a rat's ass about Harry Styles.

"Hi No-No!" My eyes couldn't help themselves as they rolled at the ridiculous nickname she had given me at the age of three, and still insisted on using.

"Hi Jules. How's everyone?" I wanted to get through the boring part of the conversation before I sprung this on her, being the polite person I am.

"Eh boring. What's going on up there?"

Here we go.

"Well actually, today I went to go get coffee down the road. And I accidentally ran into someone on my way home. A big somebody. And we talked for a good minute or so, and he asked for my phone number so we could get together for dinner. But I lied and said I had a boyfriend and left. Although I'm pretty sure he knew I was lying, and he told me that next time we run into each other he hopes my "boyfriend" won't be a problem."

I could basically hear her surprise through the phone. Well, maybe because I actually could.

"Noelle what the hell is wrong with you? If this is who I think it is, I am going to slap you silly." Her texan accent really showing through as she yelled at me.

"Well who do you think it is?" She knows me pretty damn well to have a clue who it is, plus she may have a thing for one of the boys as well.

"Let's see it's either Niall, Zayn, Harry or Louis. Which one?"

"Harry." I let out a sigh, not in a lovesick kind of way, but a happy one. He was pleasantly cheeky and kind, the only thing making me wary was the fact he knew I was lying the second it came out of my mouth.

"Knew it. I'm very confused about all of this, but I do have to admit. I'm glad you said no." I was indeed very shocked to hear this coming out of Julianna's mouth, it was already a shock to have Quinn saying the same thing yesterday, but now Julianna?

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, you see all the press about his "relationship status", he just broke up with Taylor Swift for pete's sake and now he's hitting on a random girl he meets in the streets? What does that say about him? No wonder there are so many rumours of him being a player."

Jesus bloody christ was this bash one direction week or something?

"I guess so. But you can't believe everything you see on TMZ Jules."

"And you can't believe everything someone tells you either Noelle. Listen, I have to go, but if you do decide to invest anytime in him, make sure you keep your heart safe." With that she hung up, to go to work most likely. Though her words hung heavy in the atmosphere, maybe everyone was right.

Not that I have to worry about it, I already told him that I have a boyfriend. What's done is done and he is just another irrelevant pop star.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm trying to update all my stories this week, hopefully I'll find some time to write another chapter here!

Love you guys

XX Jasmine

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