Chapter 1 The Beginning

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A/N: The picture in the side bar is me, the person Stevi is based off.


October 31, 2009
I woke up to a scratching at my window. I looked at my phone. "6:04 Saturday, October 31". I groaned and rolled back over. The scratching continued. I was starting to get annoyed so I walked over to my window. When I looked out I jumped back and tripped over the pile of clothes on my floor.

"Stevi? Was that you?" My little sister, Claire, mumbled. She's about two years younger than me, but everyone thinks she's older. She looks very mature for her age. Probably because she actually tries to look nice. Me, on the other hand.. I have never cared that much about my appearance.

"THERE'S AN OWL OUTSIDE OUR WINDOW!" I half whispered, half yelled, not wanting to wake up our parents.

Claire sat up and glared at me, "Stevi, just go back to sleep."

I rolled my eyes. Why does no one ever believe me? I walked over to the window and noticed an envelop tied to the owls leg. I opened the window and the owl landed on the sill, holding its leg out. I untied the letter and the owl flew away. I looked down at the letter. It was addressed to:

"Miss Stevi White
700 Shady Glen Drive
Front bedroom"

I quickly opened the letter. There were two pages. I skimmed over the first letter.

'Wait what?!?'

I reread the letter. What did that mean? Witchcraft and wizardry? So those incidents weren't coincidences. Im a witch? I read the second page.

'Okay this is weird. Dragon hide, wand, cauldron?'

"Claire. Claire wake up!" I pushed my sister awake.

"Stevi what do you want?" Claire said, pulling the covers over her head.

"Read this," I said, pushing the letters into her hand.

I watched her eyes flicker back and forth as she read the papers, eyes widening with each line. Once she finished she turned to me and said, "Stevi. First, we figure out if this is real or just a prank."

"Claire how could it be a prank? An owl delivered it. And its addressed to me at my bedroom."

Just as I said that, a second owl flew through our window. Claire started to scream but I quickly covered her mouth. I once again untied the envelope from the owls leg. This time it didn't fly away, instead flew onto my dresser. I ignored it and read the third letter, my sister reading over my shoulder:

Dear Miss White,
I am terribly sorry. It must have slipped my mind you were muggle born. Anyhow, I have sent a letter to your parents explaining everything and the plans for you to meet Hagrid, our gamekeeper. He will help you with your supplies. Once again, I am terribly sorry for the confusion.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva Mcgonagall.

My sister and I sat wide eyed and quite. Then we heard a knock on our door.

"Stevi, dear?" I heard my moms calm voice through the door. She would know what was going on.

"C-come in!" I stuttered, trying to find my voice again.

"Im guessing you got the letters?" My mom half asked, half stated.

I nodded.

"Then Im guessing you want an explanation?"

Once again I just nodded.

She took both or hands and said, "then I supposed you and your sister should come downstairs. Me and your dad have quite a bit of explaining to do." She had a look of guilt in her eyes as she said this.

I looked at my baby sis and she nodded.

The owl then flew away. For some reason I had a feeling it was making sure my mom wanted to explain.

I interlocked my hand in Claires and she squeezed my hand to let me know it was okay. I don't know why I was nervous. I guess it was that look of guilt. I knew my sister understood because she looked worried. What's the worst that could happen?


A/N: YAY FIRST CHAPTER DONE!  Sorry if its a bit boring. This is my first time writing so its kinda bad. It'll get better I promise. Comment! Criticize! Share with your friends. Love you guys! I hope you enjoy this.

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