Chapter 25

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"The chamber of secrets has been opened... Enemies of the heir, beware."

"Ha! You filthy mudbloods better watch out. Seems like someone's finally gotten some sense in this wretched school," Draco laughed, while walking towards Mione and me.

"Back off Draco," Fred said.

"Fred it's fine," I mumbled, although I knew he wouldn't listen.

"Or what? That mudblood will have her blood traitor boyfriend try to hurt me?"

"Oh I won't try, Malfoy."

"Fred. Stop. Please."

"Stay out of this Stevi."

"Yeah, Stevi. We wouldn't want you to get hurt. Although it's inevitable now that the chamber's open," Draco said, smirking.

I grabbed Fred's arm as he started towards Malfoy. He looked back at me annoyed. I mouthed 'no'.

"Aw why hold him back Stevi? Don't want him getting hurt like everyone else you talk to? He must be a retard not to realize how fake and disgusting you are."

I felt anger rush through my veins. Everything blurred away besides Draco. I pushed Fred away so he wasn't between Draco and me.

"You might want to watch that fucking mouth of yours Malfoy."

"Or what?"

"Or something you don't want happing might just happen."

"What, like karma? I don't believe in it."

"Well you should start believing. Cuz my middle name's karma and I'm a bitch."

I whipped around and sashayed away, just as the professor's started to show up. I heard a couple people running towards me but I didn't turn around until I made it around a corner.

"Stevi that was amazing!" Emma said as she ran up to me.

"You have no idea how bad I've always wanted to do that!" I said, grinning.

"My girlfriends a badass."

"Language, Freddie," I said, as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Did you not hear the language you were using to Malfoy?" George asked.

"No. I usually black out when I'm that mad. The second it's over I remember less than half of the stuff anyone said. I don't even remember why I got mad."

"Yeah any time we get in a fight Mum and Dad try to find out both sides of the story but Stevi can never remember what happened," Claire said.

"I think it's a mellowed out dissociative identity disorder. Normal me is Stevi. Then when I'm tired of being nice and innocent another me shows up. I call her Chaos. She's the one you see when I'm in an argument or at a party. Then there's the one you rarely see. When I've given up hope Stephie comes out. She's the positive, calm one who always has answers."

"That... Actually makes a lot of sense," Mitch said.

"I wanna see Chaos more often," Scott said.

"Pretty awesome 14th birthday huh, Stevi?" George said, laughing.

"Why are my birthday's always so exciting. I used to just get free candy and now I battle a troll and get bloody messages. Literally!"

"You all get back to your dormitories. Besides you Miss White. Dumbledore would like to see you in his office. Follow me, my dear," Professor McGonagall said, walking towards our group.

"If this is about Malfoy I didn't-"

"I'm not the headmaster Miss White. Nor am I the head of your house."

Forever and Always (A Fred Weasley love story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now