Chapter 16 Hogsmead

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I was walking to our spot, where Fred asked me to be his girlfriend. Claire told me there was something I needed to see. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"HER?!? YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH HER?" I screamed. Fred was kissing Angelina under our tree.

"Im so much better than you Stevi. How could you believe he would ever choose you over me?" Angelina said, laughing at me.

I started tearing up.

"Ha! Look at her! She's crying! Fred this is the best prank we've played in a long time!" I turned around and saw George, Emma, Scott, and Mitch laughing at me. I started running away.

"Its just like you. Run and cry, Stevi. That's all youre good at," Claire said as I pushed past her into the Slytherin common room.

I crawled into my bed and screamed, tears streaming down my face.


"STEVI! Stevi wake up! Are you okay? Come here, hun. Its okay," Emma wrapped her arms around me.

"Emma... Emma Im scared. What if it was real? Wh...what if he doesn't love me..? What if its... Its just another prank?"

"Oh babe.. Are you talking about Fred? Honey what happened? I promise it was just a nightmare. Its not real."

I told Emma what had happened.  She comforted me while I cried. She brought me food because I didn't think I could handle seeing Fred yet. I had her tell everyone I wasnt feeling okay.

"Youre going to have to see him soon. Hogsmead is today."

"I know.. Im going to get in the shower. Tell Scott and Mitchie what happened.. I don't like lying to them."

"But you'll lie to Fred and George?"

"Ill tell George... But I don't want Freddie thinking I don't trust him.. Ill talk to Georgie about it. Pick out my outfit?"

"Okay! Im thinking leggings and a V-neck sweater with-"

I tuned out the rest. I don't care about what she wants me to wear. I care about what Im going to tell Fred. If Im going to tell him. It was only a dream. Why should I tell him? But if I don't talk to him about it, it might haunt me..


"Hey Georgie.. Wheres Fred?"

"Hes showering before we leave. Why what's up? You okay?"

"I don't know.. I had a nightmare last night.. I don't know if I need to tell Fred or not. Its not that big of a deal. I just don't want him thinking I don't trust him. I don't know what to do. Georgie help me," I sat next to him and he put his arm around me as I tried not to cry again. After I finished telling him what happened I broke down crying again.

"Stevi it was just a dream. You need to tell him. If you don't it will haunt you and you wont be able to forget about it."

"Tell me what? That you'd rather be with George than me? Seriously Stevi? You cuddle him in our common room? Smile at him like you don't even know me? I always knew you regretted picking me. It was always George wasnt it? Fine. Hey Ang. Go to Hogsmead with me?"

"Id love to!" Angelina said.

I couldn't believe what just happened. I couldn't say anything. My nightmare was coming true. Why did I let George get so close to me? I couldn't even stand. I was shaking so bad.

"Fred youre kidding right? You really think I would do that to you?"

"I don't know anymore George."

Forever and Always (A Fred Weasley love story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now