Sorry, I prefer BOYS! [boyxboy]

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This story involves love between males, if you don’t like that sorta thing, then leave.  I have warned you!

Also contains some explicit language, so hide yo wife and hide yo kids! ;)

Chapter 1:  Sweet Lovin’

“You’ve changed” Craig said, with this monotone voice and unsympathetic look.

“No, no I haven’t!  I’m just being who I am, and if you can’t accept me for that then leave.” I snap back.

“You know, James, I thought we had something here.  But obviously we haven’t and never will.” Craig replied, lowering his voice slightly.

“We had something, you were just too damn fucking obnoxious and arrogant to even see it. Craig.” I spout back, emphasising his name with a spiteful tone.

Silence… for what felt like ages, unsure what to do I just stood there staring into Craig’s eyes.  Jesus, if we were going to break up I was sure going to miss those eyes of his…  Craig was 17, blonde messy hair and his big, bright blue eyes.  Well, that helps the stereotype doesn’t it…  Blonde and blue eyed.

“James…  I’m sorry.” Craig mumbles, almost going unheard.

I stood there again, confused.  Why did he just apologize so quickly, this isn’t like Craig at all…

“uh…  Well…  That’s not something I’ve ever heard you say before, did it take much effort?” I ask, following with a wink.

“You’re still an ass, though” Craig bites back, but playfully.

“Talking of asses how’s your dad?” I said, slowly, quizzing him.

Silence, again, this is killing me!

“Never mind Craig, the silence says it all” I whispered, apologetically, and then begin to walk towards the living room.

“Christ guys, do you have to argue every time I come over?  Do I piss you off or something; bring the bad out in you both or what?” Ryan said, laughing

“ha ha, you know what Ryan, you should be a comedian?  Stand up perhaps?  Oh no wait, your ass weighs you down too much to stand” I joked

“Explains why he’s still sat in the same place, it’s been 6 hours Ryan!” Craig shouted from the kitchen.

Ryan looked at me with pleading eyes, just begging to stay for the night.  I don’t know why, but every Wednesday he seems to lurk around here and stay the nights.

“Yes Ryan, you can stay.  But lemme ask you? WHY do you keep staying here every Wednesday?” I ask, curious.

Ryan shudders slightly “My sister got a new boyfriend, and he comes back from work early on Wednesday and spends the night with her…  Need I go further?”

Craig starts laughing from the kitchen which sets me off laughing, now this gets me thinking, what if we started doing it every Wednesday, maybe it’d get rid of him?  Not that I mind him here at all…  But sometimes it gets a bit annoying.

“Well,  what if me and Craig started doing it whilst you were here?” I ask… with a cheeky smile.

Ryan chuckles quietly and looks at me with a huge smile on his face

“I’d ask to join in obviously.”

I sat there, jaw almost hitting the floor. 

“YOU’RE STRAIGHT RYAN!” I finally manage to spit out

“Well, if I can slip under your gaydar I must be acting well” Ryan speaks, after laughing

You know when you see a straight guy and think that he’s good looking, then you find out he’s gay and then he just seems to get hotter?  Yeah…  Great.  This should be thrilling.

I sit there quietly, staring at Ryan with an open mouth, again, I really should close it sometime about now. 

Craig shuffles towards the door and leans against the door frame looking into the living room at Ryan

“Ryan…  Why didn’t you tell us before?” James asked

“Well,  it was always awkward around you two…  I know, its stupid.  Don’t judge” Ryan answers, quietly.

“Awkward?  Why?” I ask, NOW I close my mouth, at last!

“You’re always making out… I mean com’on,  it turns me on for a start but then it just gets annoying” Ryan giggles

Me and Craig share a look and start laughing uncontrollably.

Ryan sits there stunned, unsure what to say, looking at me, then Craig back and me and so on for a good few minutes.

“Ryan, Y-you should ha-ave told u-us!”  I force out, between my laughs

“James, you remember when you came out to your best friend?  Who was also gay?  He practically tore your you know what off and and nearly broke your hips and gave you chapped lips for WEEKS!” Ryan speaks with a raised eyebrow.

“SHUT UP RYAN! THAT WAS A SCARING MOMENT!” I yell and storm off.

Craig looks at Ryan “I wanna here this!”  Craig  laughs and beings to run after me to my room


“Hey guys, wake up!” Ryan shouts from the bottom of the stairs “I made pancakes!”

I look over at  Craig , who was rubbing his eyes, we both smile and kiss.  I pull back with a disgusted face.

“Lemme guess…  Morning breath?”  Craig giggled.

“More like morning death!  There’s pancakes down stairs…” I giggled

Craig slaps me on the back of the head, and just as I was about to get out of the bed he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back into bed.  I was now sat ontop of him… 

“You know you really shouldn’t do that, you don’t know what you’re making me think” I smile sweetly.

“Well,  I know exactly what you’re thinking.” Craig replies and starts grinding his hips against me

I lean down slowly and begin to kiss Craig, slowly making me way into his mouth with my tounge grunting quietly

“GUYS! JESUS! PANCA-“ Ryan shouts as he walks in the door and suddenly stops at the sight of us “uh… I said the making out was awkward, now your doing this?”

No reply.

“well…  I guess I’ll just sit here and watch?” Ryan says with a grin on his face.

I lean down to  Craig's ear and whisper “This is… awkward… Why is he watching us”

Craig smiles and whispers back “Don’t forget, he gets turned on by the making out…  this is probably driving him insane”

I start grunting louder whilst looking at Ryan with a small smile playing with the corners of my mouth.

Ryan gets up, with a noticeable bulge in his trousers now.  “I’m just… gonna… I’ll be in the… “ and leaves.

I fall from  Craig and now lying beside him I start laughing.


Yeah, I’m the new kid on the block gonna try make this an ongoing story until it just feels boring and old!

Sorry, I prefer BOYS! [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now