Chapter 2 - Oops... ?

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This story involves love between males, if you don’t like that sorta thing, then leave.  I have warned you!

Also contains some explicit language, so hide yo wife and hide yo kids! ;)

Picture is of Liam! --->

Music is Marching Band by Joe Brooks (also the guy in the picture ;) )

Sorry guys but I got lazy and didn’t proof read! Don’t hit me! D: *runs*  I’ll edit it as I read through myself :P

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Chapter 2:  Oops…?

Me and Craig were invited to a party, one that we seem to have every weekend, at the same place with the same people.  Yeah, seems a bit monotonous doesn’t it?  But really, it’s quite fun!

I was scrolling down the attending list on Facebook and BAM Liam was going, great.  The one guy who was straight and I was crushing on… MAJORLY… is majorly even a word?  Heh, well, it is now.

I’m going out with Craig…  I shouldn’t be thinking these things!  I shake my head vigorously attempting to get Liam outta my head, fail.

My phone rings, checking the caller, It’s Craig!

“Hey hunny” I speak, not waiting for him to greet

“Hiya,  you going to Hannah’s party tomorrow night?” Craig asked, obviously knowing the answer.

“Obviously!  I wouldn’t miss Hannah’s party even if the world was ending” I remark, trying to be funny. Again, fail.

“Do you want me to come over tonight?  Or meet you at the flat?”

“Uh, come over tonight? I’ll drive us over in the afternoon, save you getting bored for hours waiting for me to turn up!” I reply, quickly.

To explain the flat, well… My mum and dad split up a year ago so my mum moved out into her own flat.  Needless to say, my mum had enough of not seeing me so she moved back in and kicked my dad’s ass out!  THANK THE HEAVENS!  But she still has the flat till next year as its on contract or whatever you call it? Lease? Yeah Lease…  I think…

“SHIT!” I mumble to myself as I realise Craig will probably come over as soon as he can, which means an hour tops since he doesn’t live too far out.  Looking around the place, it’s a mess…  There’s no WAY I’m letting him see what I’ve been living like for the past week and I can’t exactly say I had someone over, he’d start interrogating me, and the fact he can read me like a book doesn’t help when I lie… Not that I lie to Craig.  Ever.

I start wandering around the place picking up dirty dishes, rubbish and stray clothes…  clothes?  How’d my boxers get into the hallway… O…k….?

I finally reach the kitchen, my arms filled with rubbish and dishes and start piling stuff into the dishwasher and into the bin…  This whole housewife thing is harder than it looks!

As I was tying up the rubbish bag the doorbell rings, knowing it was Craig I let him ring, and ring…

I open the door and look at him strangely “Uh… Who are you?”

Craig looks at me stunned “Craig… Your boyfriend?” 

I stand there, shake my head…  I’m bored, not being mean!

Craig looked stumped and starts doing this whole dramatic scene “I AM YOUR KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR!”

I buckle over in laughter and fall to the floor and start rolling over, tears flowing from my eyes.

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