Episode 2, Part 1

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(The two travelers, Jude and Leia, set their sites for Auj Oule. In Jude's rooming quarters, he counts all his gald while Leia practices hand attacks.)

Jude: Okay, so far I have spent 70 gald. Not bad for 2 weeks. I'm right on budget!

Leia: Whatcha saving up for?

Jude: Saving up for?

Leia: Oooooooh! I see! You're gonna give me a surprise birthday gift, then?

Jude: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise.

Leia: You're pulling my leg, aren't you? -__-

Jude: Maaaaybe! ;)

Leia: Meany! Xp *Continues to practice*

Jude: No, I'm just making sure I have enough to cover us both, you know as far as provisions are concerned. That, and I have to include our stay at an inn.

Leia: That reminds me. Don't we have to pass through Kanbalar in order to see Gaius?

Jude: Yes. Why?

Leia: >_< I didn't think this through!

Jude: What's wrong?

Leia: I forgot to bring my fluffy coat! Now I'm gonna freeze to death!

Jude: You can use my jacket until we find a town market.

Leia: But the coats are expensive! And I was so eager to wear my coat Dad bought me. It's my favorite!

Jude: Have you worn it yet?

Leia: Yes! To bed!

Jude: Uh, come again?

Leia: Jude, you have thicker skin than me. So you don't have to feel cold all the time. Every night, my mom blasts the AC so my room is a freakin' ice box!!

Jude: Why turn up the AC at night?

Leia: Her allergies.

Jude: I don't see how that can be logical.

Leia: Me neither! It makes me wanna pull my hair out!

Jude: Then why not tell her?

Leia: This is my mom we are talking about. She'll maul me in my sleep if I whine and complain to her about the AC.

Jude: That's true.

(The ship docks at Lakutam Seahaven. Jude and Leia find a carriage ride.)

Leia: That's new!....Wanna ride?

Jude: Uh sure!

(They hop aboard the carriage ride and head down Lakutam Highroad.)

Leia: Aah...how relaxing. Way better than walking, huh Jude?

Jude: You got that right. *Look around the fields.* I can't believe we were here months ago. Out to save the world...

Leia: Yep! If you could, would you do it all over again?

Jude: Good question....I don't know. A part of me says heck yeah! But then, the other part of me says-

Leia: Heck no! :3

Jude: Hahahaha, yeah!

(They continue to travel halfway towards Xian Du.)

Leia: *Groans* Are we there yet?

Jude: Not yet. We still have an hour left.

Leia: Uuuuuuugh...I'm soooooo hungry!

Jude: I kinda figured you'd say that. *Reaches in his bag and pulls out a tuna sandwich.* Tuna sandwich?

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