3. Natelyn

170 6 6

8th of October 2016
Hey! Guess who ment to publish yesterday but totally forgot and fell asleep~
Btw... xD These ships are being chosen randomly by my french friend who has absolutely no idea what any of this is, so I just send her random ship names and she chooses a random one xD

Nicole's. POV

"Hey Katelyn!"

"Nicole! Finally you're here! We have so much gossip to do!" Exclaimed Katelyn who swiftly grabbed my arm and pulled me through the door and closing it behind me.

"Sorry, it's a bit cold. Don't wanna let any hot air out..." She mumbled

"I thought you liked the cold!"

"I like it when the temperature goes down gradually... Not when I go from sweating like a pig to my teeth chattering in 2 days..."

I laughed at her mumbling and moaning as we walked into the living room where I dumped my bag on the floor and jumped on the couch, taking up all the room.

"If you don't move your lazy butt I'll have to sit on it..."

I laughed once again and sat up allowing Katelyn to sit down and we started chatting like we usually do.

"So...? What are the plans for tonight?"

"The usual, pizza, movie, popcorn, snacks, messing around, more snacks and eventually, sleep" She said, counting everything on her fingers.

"Cool, no Kawaii~Chan?"

Doing her typical eye role and groan... "She's at Michis house..."

"Seriously? What does she see in that girl? She's just a horrible person! Full stop!"

"Meif'Wa" Katelyn corrected.

I waved my hand in the air shrugging her off and went to the kitchen to grab the chips. I quickly ran back, throwing a handful of chips at Katelyn in the process and grabbed the remote chucking it to Katelyn.

"X-Men or Avengers?" Katelyn asked

"Do you really have to ask...?" I said, raising my eyebrows

"X-Men it is!" She chuckled


"Storm is by far the best..."

"Mmhmm, you're right there..." I replied, not really paying much attention

"I'm cold... Are you?"

"Kinda yeah, lemme go get a blanket"

I stood up and jogged upstairs to pull the blanket off Katelyns bed and lazily dragged it downstairs to the couch.

"There we go!"

"Cheers NicNac..."

We quickly got under the blanket and sat close to each other for warm, the room was dark and the only light was the blaring television and the annoying little red light from the plug that the television was attached too.

I scanned the room some more and noticed the reasonably large pile of books shoved behind the arm chair where someone had clearly being reading and not wanted to tidy up properly.

"What..." she said groggily letting me know that I had chuckled at the sight.

"Nothing nothing~"

"You're lucky I'm to comfortable to move..."

"Yeah right! We both know I would win!"


She moved over from her side of the couch and snuggled up next to me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"In your dreams NicNac."

I chuckled and layed my head on top of hers and sighed. I felt her arm snake around me and thats when we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Coolio! Lemme know what ya think of this OneShot down in the comments bellow and don't forget to vote!

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